I Am 1 Year Old...

Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Darling Boy, You Are Going To Be One Persistent Fellow.

Darling boy, Aunt Addy already know that being persistent will be part of your personalities. I won't know if that will be to your benefit or not in future but for now, I am very proud of you for being so persistent in joining us. Having you is a god's gift to us but what has happened for the past 1 month is a miracle. I know you had worked very hard in your mummy's tummy for the past month and that itself already shows that you belong to our families cos' in our families, we work together and support each other when problems arise.

This is the 24th going to 25th weeks. You will be joining us in another 4 months and we can't wait for that day to come... : )