Send your own ElfYourself eCards
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Merry X'mas Everyone
Send your own ElfYourself eCards
Dear All,
I'm back from Hong Kong... My 姨姨 will be updating the post about the trip and photos soon... For now, I would like to wish all of you a very very Merry X'mas and a Happy New Year with the video... : )
Thursday, December 18, 2008
My First Overseas Trip

Dear all,
I am going to fly off to Hong Kong in the morning. This is the first time I'm going on a plane as well as the first time that I'm stepping out of Singapore... I am so excited!! Daddy kept telling me that we are flying in the morning, okie? I nodded my head to tell him 'Yes, yes...' but he still wonders if I really understand... Hmph...
I saw 外婆, 姨姨 packing earlier... Think they are also excited like me... Heehee...
Let's hope we will have photos to update in my blog when we are back... Most importantly, I must make sure that my 姨姨 is not too lazy to update my blog... -_-"
Till then...
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Gluttony Jayden
In the video, you will see Jayden trying to grab a bite of 外婆's sandwich which was within reach...
Friday, October 10, 2008
Jayden With A Paper Hat
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
You Are My Sunshine
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Jayden Combs His Hair
We found out recently that Jayden knows how to comb his hair. It came as quite a surprise as we almost never let him hold a comb before...
On Sunday, Jayden's mummy let Denden holds on to the comb and we were telling him to comb his own hair... Next thing we know, he held the comb up to his head and started combing away.
In fact, now he will start combing away when you ask him to do so. He looks absolutely cute doing that!!! (but i think his mummy was more amused than him) Hahaha... Check out the video...
Saturday, August 23, 2008
What A Weekend - Part 2

Heehee... First of all, my 姨姨 wants to apologize to those who had read Part 1 but was disappointed when they came here for Part 2 and found out that it was not up yet. For Part 1 of this post, you can go to my 姨姨's blog to check it out...
16 August 2008, Saturday
Mummy and myself were the 1st to reach Khim-Po's place. Heard them saying that they all couldn't wake up because they went out till very late the night before. I really wish I was there last night. I heard Mummy saying that we will definitely join them the next time round. :D
Anyway... soon after we reached, the rest started streaming in and it's noisy all over again. Darius GorGor poked poked me again... I don't know why but everytime they asked 'GorGor le?', I will poke poke myself on the cheek but that's what Darius GorGor likes to do to me mah...
After praying and lunchies, the adults started 'play mj, play mj'. *Hands swinging from left to right to left to right* While that was going on, the many 姨姨s were entertaining we 2 small boys all the time in *whispers* Nicole 姨姨's room... I like her room, maybe cos she is born in the year of pig like me... so got piggy smell... :P
Around 7 plus, they said they are going to bring us to Pasar Malam... I had no idea what was that but am still happy so long as I get to go 'Gai-Gai'... It turned out that Pasar Malam is a really fun place. There are so many people there selling things, got toys... got food, many food actually. 外婆, Mummy and 姨姨s bought so much food back to Khim Po's place. It's the first time I go to the Pasar Malam and I totally heart it and enjoyed myself. I am definitely going to go again. Mummy Mummy, can you bring me to the Pasar Malam again please?
Once we reached Khim Po's place, we were so noisy again. Eating, talking, laughing, making fun of each other... We were so high!!! Heehee...
Then Daddy and 爷爷 came for dinner and after that we went home... :(

17 August 2008, Sunday
姨姨 called Mummy and asked her if she wants to bring me over to Diana 姨姨's place so that we can all go for lunch at MacDonalds before going to 外婆's house. Mummy said okie cos she knows how much I enjoyed having lunch with all the 姨姨s and Darius GorGor.
But... but... but... when we reached Diana 姨姨's place, it turned out that we are going shopping at Bugis!!! Woohoo... No MacDonalds but I am not complaining since I will only be eating a little bit of french fries and burger bun at Mac. I rather go shopping... We waited, waited and waited somemore for all the 姨姨s to be ready. Then finally they said let's get out of the house.
We watched Barney in the car and once again, the car was filled with many very vocal ladies and since Darius GorGor and myself cannot ask them to stop, we joined them with our 'Eee-eee, Aaa-aaa'. Hahaha... The first thing that we did when we reached Bugis is to join 外婆 and 小舅舅 at the food court for lunch... I had some really nice miso soup with rice and Darius GorGor had chicken rice.
After we had filled our tummies, we adjourned for shopping!!! First stop, shoes shop. The many very vocal ladies went ga-ga in the shoes shop. First damage of the day was done by Nicole 姨姨. She was the first one to buy herself a pair of shoes. Then we walked over to BHG, formerly Seiyu. Over there, 外婆 and 姨姨 bought Darius GorGor and myself a Hammer & Nails and Thomas the Train toys. After that, Darius GorGor soaked himself in the mini arcade for a while with all the games.
By then, it was already evening but there weren't done yet. They went shopping for more shoes!!! You should have seen the way they tried the shoes. At one point of time, Mummy, 姨姨, Diana 姨姨 and Nicole 姨姨 almost buy the same pair of shoes in the same colour. They did not in the end cos they didn't have the right size. They spent at least 1 hour at the shoes department. Actually they spent that 1 whole hour in only 1 part of the shoes department, trying on many many pairs of shoes. It's incredible to see the way they shopped.
We were supposed to slowly make our way back home cos Nicole 姨姨 has an appointment at 8pm but they were diverted by the sunglass shop... Like the shoes shop, they were trying on pairs n pairs of sunglasses... Hahaha... Like what Doreen 姨姨 said, the shop-keeper must be happy to see us walking into the shop. Heehee...
After the sunglass shop, we were supposed to make our back home fast lest Nicole 姨姨 will be late but we 2 small boys got to change our diapers and have our milk. We are hungry, you know? When we came back from the changing room, they were happily sitting at the cafe having a cuppa. Haiz... the art of diversion, only they are capable of...
By then, I was really tired and took a nap... Zzzz... Nicole 姨姨 was so kind to send us home even though she was in a rush by the time we went home. Reached home, clean up and it's time for my new toys!!! Now you know why I love shopping with all the many very vocal ladies and my Darius GorGor... Heehee....

Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Happy Birthday, Darius GorGor : )

I have been pestering my 姨姨 everyday for her to update my blog but she always tells me tomorrow but tomorrow never comes. :(
==DAY 1==
On a happier mood, I just had one of the busiest and fun weekends. It was Darius GorGor's 2nd Birthday on the 10 August. GorGor's Mummy celebrated GorGor's birthday at the chalet where I celebrated mine, the big big chalet, remember? I woke up really early as usual. Had my milk then take a nap. Then Bryan GorGor came over to our place to play. I heard his voice and woke up to play with him for a while. Then 姑姑 said it's time for GorGor to go home liao.
After GorGor left, Mummy and 姨姨 get ready to leave for 外婆's house. When we reached 外婆's house, it was still early so we all decided to take a short nap first. Woke up at about 2:30pm, get ready and left for GorGor's chalet. When we reached there, Gu-Gong, Khim-Po and all the 姨姨s were there already. GorGor was very happy to see me. He came to hug hug me and '弟弟, poke'. I also know how to imitate GorGor liao... Heehee...
Then more and more people came. So many of them, I have no idea who they are... but nonetheless, GorGor and myself had so much fun. We actually wanted to take a nap in the evening but they kept saying that Barney is coming and refused to let us sleep. GorGor is smarter. He fell asleep while he was drinking milk. Hmph... I should have pretended that I wanted milk as well... Lesson learnt.
Then at around 7:30pm, Barney really came but GorGor was still sound asleep. All the 姨姨s were trying very hard to wake them up but he just continued sleeping. That was so funny. Heehee... After some water and persistent waking him, GorGor finally woke up. They started asking up to do colouring. I also not too sure how to do it but my Mummy seems to be enjoying herself though.
I was given a goodie bag but my Mummy broke the bag for me! :( Then the best part of the celebration came. It was the Happy Birthday Song time. I happily sing the song for Darius GorGor and GorGor was happily cutting his Barney cake again and again and again... Heehee...
I also want to wish my beloved GorGor 'Happy Birthday, GorGor'. Poke, poke...
==DAY 2==
All the 姨姨s, GuGu, Darius GorGor and myself woke up at about 9am, We showered and headed out to Downtown East for breakfast. Everytime when all the 姨姨s are together, they got a bit noisy. They will yak yak here, yak yak there. here yak there yak, everywhere yak yak.
I poo poo when we were in MacDonalds but Mummy never brought out my diapers. In the end, I have to take 1 XL-diaper from Darius GorGor. That was so big and loose. Heehee...
After breakfast, we went to the game arcade. Before we reached the game arcade, damages were done to Nicole 姨姨's purse. She bought GorGor and myself toy aeroplanes. Then he bought me my first pair of sandals. It was so beach boy and cool but it's the first time I'm wearing a sandals so it feels a bit funny.

When we reached the arcade, all the 姨姨s went crazy. They were playing with drums, balls, hitting ghosts and much more. Oh oh... I must mention the neoprint taking. It was so funny to see all the adults getting so hype up with photo taking but all the 姨姨s were saying that the photos turn out very nice. The neoprints are now with Nicole 姨姨. 姨姨 said she will get it from Nicole 姨姨 and scan it for everyone. I will show you when it's ready. After that, we went to the supermarket with plans to but some water but they ended with a trolley full of goods. Hahaha...
Before we ended the excursion in Downtown East, we took the mini ferris wheel. it was really fun. We took 2 cartridges and Mummy, Janet 姨姨 and Nicole 姨姨 were scared when the ferris wheel was at its highest. Even on the ferris wheel, we were so noisy... Heehee... Yeah, they are my love ones.
Went back to the chalet, rest a bit and they started bbq-ing. I think because all the 舅舅s were not around, they took a very long time to set up the fire... Nonetheless, they managed to get the fire up after much effort. I think we should still applaud them for that.
At night hor, Darius GorGor so poor thing. He had fever. It kept hovering around 38 plus degrees. It got his Mummy and all the 姨姨s so worried for him. At around 4am, GorGor's Mummy decided to bring GorGor home for a stronger medicine hoping that it will bring the fever down before she brings him to the pediatrician first thing in the morning. I woke up when they were leaving the chalet to send them off...
==DAY 3==
外婆, 姨婆, 舅舅 and Janet 姨姨 brought me out to Changi Village for breakfast. By noon-time, 姨姨s and Darius GorGor came back to the chalet and GorGor was feeling much much better. He was hyper again and asking to watch 'Hi 5'. Oh... Btw, we watched so many times of that episode of 'Hi 5' that we had actually lost count of how many times. All we know is that we can hum the songs easily cos they are always in our mind. Heehee...
While the adults were playing mj, 外婆, Diana 姨姨, Alan 舅舅 and Nicole 姨姨 brought Darius GorGor and myself to Downtown East again. We ended up taking the ferris wheel again. FUN!!!
They started the fire earlier on Day 3 as we all planned to leave the chalet after the bbq-ing. We had the fire up earlier this time round but the weather wasn't in our favor for about half an hour. It was super windy, the sky turns greyish and you could see rain coming. Daddy was going to pick Mummy from work and he brought me along. I was tired so I ended up sleeping on the car-seat in the car.
I heard that they had to stop bbq-ing for a while as it starts pouring. They resume bbq-ing the moment the rain stopped and try to finish up as much food as possible. When I came back with Daddy and Mummy, GorGor was waiting at the carpark for me. Poke poke again... Heehee...
After everyone had their dinner, all of us start packing up. The next thing we know, we are all out of the chalet and heading home. It was a really fun weekend and I had so much fun, as usual, when I'm with all my love ones.
The adults were saying that the next family outing will be the picnic. No chalet for a while cos it's getting a little overdose (already 3 this year). For me, I'm happy so long as I get to spend time with them.
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Fruitful Couple Of Weeks

I had had 2 very fruitful weekends. Heehee... My love ones bought me so many toys and clothing in the 2 weekends.
12 July 2008
Mummy and Yiyi went out shopping with the intention to get birthday pressies and as usual, they couldn't resist buying me stuff while shopping around. We were at Forum and Mummy bought me a nice singlet. Yiyi bought me a cap and a Barney story book. Xiao JiuJiu bought me Frank's best friend. You probably wouldn't understand that but if you come and ask me, I will tell you what I meant. : )
Then we proceed to Vivocity to meet Diana Yiyi, Doreen Yiyi, Eve Yiyi and Darius Gorgor. As usual, Darius Gorgor and me hug each other when we met and Darius Gorgor went... 'Didi, poke' on my cheek... Heehee... After dinner, we were joined by Nicole Yiyi... Wah... so long never see her... : )
The adults were talking non-stop with each other. Hmph... luckily we still have Eve Yiyi and auntie to bring Darius Gorgor and me to walk around the Rooftop Amphitheatre. We saw many fighter planes for National Day Parade rehearsal. Woohoo...
After that, it was another round of SHOPPING! We went into Toys 'R' Us!!! It was so much fun to go there with Mummy and all the YiYis. They went crazy over all the toys that they were going to buy for Darius Gorgor and me. At the end of the day, Darius Gorgor and myself were the biggest winners cos we both received a lot of toys from our Mummies and Yiyis. :D
20 July 2008
Yiyi woke up and asked 外婆 to go shopping at Takashimaya. Yiyi called Mummy and asked her to come along but she said no... : ( I was disappointed cos I thought there will be no shopping this weekend. Then Mummy called Yiyi and asked her to wait for her. Yippee... we are joining them!!!
Once we reached there, it was lunch for them first. 外婆 fed me some rice but I puked. : ( Yiyi helped to clean me up and stuff and ended up perspiring profusely. Heehee...
After lunch, we went straight to the kids wear level and yes, they ended up spending a lot of money there. 外婆 bought me 2 t-shirts, Yiyi bought me t-shirt and book. Xiao Jiujiu bought me a book too. Yiyi also bought a shorts and t-shirt for her best friend's baby boy as well...
Then it was time for me to take a nap and since Xiao Jiujiu needed lunch, we went to this Hong Kong restaurant to take a break. Yiyi and Xiao Jiujiu was irritated by this less than 20 years old girl who shove my barang barang bag aside when she wanted to get into the seat. She was outright rude which pissed my Yiyi and Xiao Jiujiu off. My Yiyi will tell you that a lot of youngsters nowadays are so rude and full of themselves, thinking that they own the world.
After Xiao Jiujiu's very late lunch and my very short nap, we continued with the toys fair that was happening in Takashimaya. Wow... there were so many people and so many toys. I was fascinated for sure... :P When we came out of the fair, 外婆 ended up buying me a BIG, remote controlled racing car and Mummy bought me a drum set cos it was really really cheap...
When we went home, they were all complaining that there is no space in 外婆's house anymore. No space to put my toys. No space for Xiao Jiujiu to sleep. Hmph... but they are the one who bought me all the toys le... *pouts*
Let me tell you a secret... I totally enjoy all these weekends activities. I get to go shopping a lot. I see many colourful and interesting things around me. I never ask for it but always end up getting a lot of stuff at the end of the day. Heehee...
Hmmm... wonders where are we going this coming weekend? I overheard that we might be going for a picnic soon... Let's hope that happens cos it's going to be my 1ST PICNIC... Woohoo...

Friday, July 18, 2008
Yet Another Jayden Short Movie
Check out how Denden enjoys the oldies on the TV and how he enjoys being filmed... Hahaha...
Monday, July 7, 2008
姨姨 Almost Cried Buckets For Messing Up Your Blogskin!

It's been a long time since 姨姨 last updated Denden's blog. Some of you might have noticed that there were some changes to Denden's blogskin last week but I must say it's a failure... It's all 姨姨's fault. 姨姨 shouldn't have been so adventurous. After I changed the blogskin, I totally regretted it. Many things went missing and 姨姨 is a html idiot so 姨姨 took a very very long time to try to figure out how to get back the missing parts. 姨姨 almost wanted to slap herself over her stupidity last week. Luckily, 姨姨 managed to get back everything that 姨姨 had put in so many effort to put together... Whoosshhh...
Some updates on Denden...
1. He had learnt to say he wants 'nei-nei' when he's hungry.
2. Sometimes, it will sound like he's calling 妈妈.
3. He learnt to crawl on his knees for a longer distance.
4. He learnt how to support himself to stand up.
5. Talks a lot of 'ooh-ooh' & 'ah-ah'.
6. Likes to smile silly when he heard others laughing.
7. Always imitating the funny things that his 小舅舅 taught him (that exasperates Denden's Mummy).
8. Denden can't do without his 小舅舅.
9. Denden is getting scolded by Mummy, 外婆 & 姨姨 quite often cos he throws tantrum unreasonably.
10. Denden has the most stubborn hair around. The only time you see his hair stand down is when they are wet. The moment they are dried, they will stand up tall and straight!! I comb his hair while they are still wet and comb them down for a rare picture showing his hair down. So cute!!
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Den-Den Boy, Yiyi Misses You So Muchie...
This is my 3rd day in Vietnam but I miss my darling boy so much... :_(
We might not be able to do Skype tonight cos your Mummy told me that you are going for dinner with your 姑姑. :( We will see how's the timing like tonight, k? If I don't see you on Skype tonight, we will do it tomorrow, okie? Should we not have a chance to do it tomorrow night, I'll see you on Friday afternoon when I touch down in Singapore.
Just remember... 姨姨 misses you loads. *hugs*
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
The Event Of The Year!
Many have already updated their blog about Jayden's Birthday Party and I am going to do it now. Worst still, Jayden's Mummy had 'entrusted' me to give an exciting update. *Sighs* I shall try...
We were far more excited than the birthday boy when the date drew close. Mummy Sandy was already reading Birthday Bear book to darling days before and singing birthday song to him. I had a strong feeling that Mummy Sandy was preparing Jayden boy for THE day. Hahaha...
The night before, we were so excited... telling Jayden boy that he's going to turn 1 year old soon and he's a big boy now but darling just cooly ignored our excitement. :(
The morning of 五月初二, woke up and wish Jayden boy-boy 'Happy Birthday'. The star of the day was still oblivious to what's happening around him. He was just happy to see so many people around the house, I think. 外婆 did the traditional thing, 'da-ka-gu', for darling. The meaning behind it is so that Jayden boy will grow up not having to worry about filling his stomach, wherever he goes, he will have food to eat.
Darling was dressed in his new clothes and shoes bought by 外婆. He was a very happy boy on that day, cheerful and fun, till at night. I'll leave that to later part of the post on his grouchiness. At 12 plus, we set off to check-in for the chalet. We really had Eve 姨姨 and 四姨婆 to thank for following us down to the chalet. When we reached at around 1 plus and tried to check-in, we were informed that the check-in time is 3pm!!! Who to blame?? Mummy Sandy, of course! She was so blur that she did not realize that the check-in time was not the usual 2pm. *Sighs* Luckily, there was a technician in the unit so the door wasn't locked. We 'budged' in without checking in and bring all our barang barang into the unit. At least, we won't need to stay outside for an hour plus, right? Hahaha...
Once we settled down, we started preparing for the party's decorations. Blowing the balloons, putting them up, hanging up the confetti... I must mention what Eve 姨姨 had done for Jayden boy. She single-handedly did up
Guests came with lovely gifts for the 'Star' and the 'Star' returned the favour by being a nice and cheerful host. Then it was cutting cake time. Daddy and Mummy ordered a really cute Birthday cake for Jayden boy. The cake reminded us so much of darling. It was a baby with red, chubby cheeks holding on to a '1' that said '我一岁了'. Guests gathered to sing birthday song to the 'Star' of the day and Jayden boy was really enjoying himself, smiling and clapping.

The funny part was that immediately after the birthday song, Jayden boy got grouchy. It must be the heat and 'zz-monster attacking' him but I must still say that I was very impressed by his performance on that day cos little boys like him are usually very grouchy on their birthday. He had done us proud by being such a good boy and host on that day.
Before I carry on with the post... Jayden and Daddy & Mummy would like to thank everyone for your lovely and wonderful gifts. Thank you, thank you... : )

I think Jayden boy is starting to show his love for his Darius GorGor... On the night after his birthday, he went to sleep at around 10 plus but he woke up at 1+am and refused to go back to sleep. Shortly after he woke up, his Darius GorGor came back to the chalet with his mum and he actually stayed up for an hour plus to play before going back to sleep. This pair of little duo is so cute and loving that it's quite amazing, really!

Next morning, we went to cycle in the morning after very little or no sleep. A couple of us were really shagged but it was fun nonetheless... After cycling, a few of the 姨姨s went to catch a few hours of sleep before the rest came back for BBQ. As per tradition, MJ is a must for our families so some adults and 姨姨s / 舅舅s were playing rounds and rounds of MJ while the rest BBQ.

Before we knew it, the 3 days 2 nights chalet had come to an end with a lot of fun, a lot of MJ and very little sleep. We actually wanted to go swimming straight after we checked out but it started pouring and it poured for the whole day so all the 姨姨s came to 外婆's house to sleep... (Heehee...)
Special mention must be given to Diana 姨姨!! She went without sleep for 2 nights straight, all just for Jayden boy!!! Must love love her, okie? Cos she's the Mummy of your Darius GorGor.. : )
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Happy Lunar Birthday, My Darling...
My darling is 1 year old!!!
Time flies! Darling turns 1 year old today. This time one year ago, a little boy came to this world amidst some hoo-ha. There were worries, anticipation and lots of mixed feelings waiting for his arrival and the moment that we heard that he had safely joined us in this world, it was a moment of joy for us.
For the past one year, you had been nothing but joy and happiness to the family. Seeing you grow up and learn new things is the best thing that could happen to anyone of us... There is no one more important than you. I am sure in the years to come, we will have more things about you to talk. For now, Yiyi just want you to enjoy being a baby becoming a toddler soon. Yiyi has very simple hope for you and that is to become a healthy and happy boy. The rest are secondary.
You probably ain't going to remember your first birthday but today you are the star and shines like one, okie?
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Pictures With A Story
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