Many have already updated their blog about Jayden's Birthday Party and I am going to do it now. Worst still, Jayden's Mummy had 'entrusted' me to give an exciting update. *Sighs* I shall try...
We were far more excited than the birthday boy when the date drew close. Mummy Sandy was already reading Birthday Bear book to darling days before and singing birthday song to him. I had a strong feeling that Mummy Sandy was preparing Jayden boy for THE day. Hahaha...
The night before, we were so excited... telling Jayden boy that he's going to turn 1 year old soon and he's a big boy now but darling just cooly ignored our excitement. :(
The morning of 五月初二, woke up and wish Jayden boy-boy 'Happy Birthday'. The star of the day was still oblivious to what's happening around him. He was just happy to see so many people around the house, I think. 外婆 did the traditional thing, 'da-ka-gu', for darling. The meaning behind it is so that Jayden boy will grow up not having to worry about filling his stomach, wherever he goes, he will have food to eat.
Darling was dressed in his new clothes and shoes bought by 外婆. He was a very happy boy on that day, cheerful and fun, till at night. I'll leave that to later part of the post on his grouchiness. At 12 plus, we set off to check-in for the chalet. We really had Eve 姨姨 and 四姨婆 to thank for following us down to the chalet. When we reached at around 1 plus and tried to check-in, we were informed that the check-in time is 3pm!!! Who to blame?? Mummy Sandy, of course! She was so blur that she did not realize that the check-in time was not the usual 2pm. *Sighs* Luckily, there was a technician in the unit so the door wasn't locked. We 'budged' in without checking in and bring all our barang barang into the unit. At least, we won't need to stay outside for an hour plus, right? Hahaha...
Once we settled down, we started preparing for the party's decorations. Blowing the balloons, putting them up, hanging up the confetti... I must mention what Eve 姨姨 had done for Jayden boy. She single-handedly did up
Guests came with lovely gifts for the 'Star' and the 'Star' returned the favour by being a nice and cheerful host. Then it was cutting cake time. Daddy and Mummy ordered a really cute Birthday cake for Jayden boy. The cake reminded us so much of darling. It was a baby with red, chubby cheeks holding on to a '1' that said '我一岁了'. Guests gathered to sing birthday song to the 'Star' of the day and Jayden boy was really enjoying himself, smiling and clapping.

The funny part was that immediately after the birthday song, Jayden boy got grouchy. It must be the heat and 'zz-monster attacking' him but I must still say that I was very impressed by his performance on that day cos little boys like him are usually very grouchy on their birthday. He had done us proud by being such a good boy and host on that day.
Before I carry on with the post... Jayden and Daddy & Mummy would like to thank everyone for your lovely and wonderful gifts. Thank you, thank you... : )

I think Jayden boy is starting to show his love for his Darius GorGor... On the night after his birthday, he went to sleep at around 10 plus but he woke up at 1+am and refused to go back to sleep. Shortly after he woke up, his Darius GorGor came back to the chalet with his mum and he actually stayed up for an hour plus to play before going back to sleep. This pair of little duo is so cute and loving that it's quite amazing, really!

Next morning, we went to cycle in the morning after very little or no sleep. A couple of us were really shagged but it was fun nonetheless... After cycling, a few of the 姨姨s went to catch a few hours of sleep before the rest came back for BBQ. As per tradition, MJ is a must for our families so some adults and 姨姨s / 舅舅s were playing rounds and rounds of MJ while the rest BBQ.

Before we knew it, the 3 days 2 nights chalet had come to an end with a lot of fun, a lot of MJ and very little sleep. We actually wanted to go swimming straight after we checked out but it started pouring and it poured for the whole day so all the 姨姨s came to 外婆's house to sleep... (Heehee...)
Special mention must be given to Diana 姨姨!! She went without sleep for 2 nights straight, all just for Jayden boy!!! Must love love her, okie? Cos she's the Mummy of your Darius GorGor.. : )
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