I had had 2 very fruitful weekends. Heehee... My love ones bought me so many toys and clothing in the 2 weekends.
12 July 2008
Mummy and Yiyi went out shopping with the intention to get birthday pressies and as usual, they couldn't resist buying me stuff while shopping around. We were at Forum and Mummy bought me a nice singlet. Yiyi bought me a cap and a Barney story book. Xiao JiuJiu bought me Frank's best friend. You probably wouldn't understand that but if you come and ask me, I will tell you what I meant. : )
Then we proceed to Vivocity to meet Diana Yiyi, Doreen Yiyi, Eve Yiyi and Darius Gorgor. As usual, Darius Gorgor and me hug each other when we met and Darius Gorgor went... 'Didi, poke' on my cheek... Heehee... After dinner, we were joined by Nicole Yiyi... Wah... so long never see her... : )
The adults were talking non-stop with each other. Hmph... luckily we still have Eve Yiyi and auntie to bring Darius Gorgor and me to walk around the Rooftop Amphitheatre. We saw many fighter planes for National Day Parade rehearsal. Woohoo...
After that, it was another round of SHOPPING! We went into Toys 'R' Us!!! It was so much fun to go there with Mummy and all the YiYis. They went crazy over all the toys that they were going to buy for Darius Gorgor and me. At the end of the day, Darius Gorgor and myself were the biggest winners cos we both received a lot of toys from our Mummies and Yiyis. :D
20 July 2008
Yiyi woke up and asked 外婆 to go shopping at Takashimaya. Yiyi called Mummy and asked her to come along but she said no... : ( I was disappointed cos I thought there will be no shopping this weekend. Then Mummy called Yiyi and asked her to wait for her. Yippee... we are joining them!!!
Once we reached there, it was lunch for them first. 外婆 fed me some rice but I puked. : ( Yiyi helped to clean me up and stuff and ended up perspiring profusely. Heehee...
After lunch, we went straight to the kids wear level and yes, they ended up spending a lot of money there. 外婆 bought me 2 t-shirts, Yiyi bought me t-shirt and book. Xiao Jiujiu bought me a book too. Yiyi also bought a shorts and t-shirt for her best friend's baby boy as well...
Then it was time for me to take a nap and since Xiao Jiujiu needed lunch, we went to this Hong Kong restaurant to take a break. Yiyi and Xiao Jiujiu was irritated by this less than 20 years old girl who shove my barang barang bag aside when she wanted to get into the seat. She was outright rude which pissed my Yiyi and Xiao Jiujiu off. My Yiyi will tell you that a lot of youngsters nowadays are so rude and full of themselves, thinking that they own the world.
After Xiao Jiujiu's very late lunch and my very short nap, we continued with the toys fair that was happening in Takashimaya. Wow... there were so many people and so many toys. I was fascinated for sure... :P When we came out of the fair, 外婆 ended up buying me a BIG, remote controlled racing car and Mummy bought me a drum set cos it was really really cheap...
When we went home, they were all complaining that there is no space in 外婆's house anymore. No space to put my toys. No space for Xiao Jiujiu to sleep. Hmph... but they are the one who bought me all the toys le... *pouts*
Let me tell you a secret... I totally enjoy all these weekends activities. I get to go shopping a lot. I see many colourful and interesting things around me. I never ask for it but always end up getting a lot of stuff at the end of the day. Heehee...
Hmmm... wonders where are we going this coming weekend? I overheard that we might be going for a picnic soon... Let's hope that happens cos it's going to be my 1ST PICNIC... Woohoo...

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