Saturday, December 22, 2007
Darling Laughing Out Loud!
Darling is 6 months and 6 days old! There have been noticeable changes in you since you reached your 6 months old mark. We can see you starting to imitate what other people do. You have grown more talkative too and for the first time today, Yi-yi saw you laughing out loud!!! It is like you are enjoying yourself very much.
Khim-po was just talking to you and trying to coo you to smile. What Khim-po did is imitate a pig snorting and that tickled you so much that you were laughing out loud. You were so happy that you were continuously laughing loudly. Everyone who saw you laughing were full of smiles. No exception for Yi-yi. :D We recorded it and every time that Yi-yi watches the video, I still can't help but smile seeing you laugh like this.
Yi-yi decides to upload your video onto your blog so that people who are following your life will have a chance to see the video and hope that it will brighten up their day, like it had brighten up mine. : )
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
The Story of How Darius Gor-Gor Loves You Coming Soon...

It is quite amazing and really heart-warming to see how 2 little cousins love each other. How the Gor-Gor (Darius) dotes on the Di-Di (Jayden) and how Darius will protect Jayden when he thought Jayden is being bullied. It is a bit late for Yi-yi to tell all the stories now but I promise that I will be writing down those stories very soon. Till then... I love you, darling.
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Very Very Interesting Pictures!
From the time that 姨姨 understand things in this world, I was somehow shown that a baby has to have some nude pictures of him / her when he / she was young. With that in mind and your 外婆 as the accomplice, 姨姨 managed to take some 'interesting' pictures of you before you showered. The others are a bit blurred so am only going to post up 1 for now... Maybe there will be more coming. Maybe I can use that to extort your Daddy and Mummy. Hahaha...
Cutie Cutie in bathing suit..
Your Daddy is super proud of this photo cos' everyone thinks that you look so much like your Daddy here. : )


Sunday, November 11, 2007
More Pics Of Baby Jayden...

Must I smile again?


Random Acts of Baby Jayden
Baby Jayden Darling is coming to 5 months in a few days time. You have grown to be such a darling now, Love of our family. Just wanna record down what are the things that you love doing nowadays...
1) You are ever fascinated with moving objects, especially if they are in red, black or white.
2) You love listening to musics.
3) You are always ready to smile at us, even if it's in the early hours of the morning.
4) You will put your 2 little hands into your mouth at every chance. Then mess saliva all over your face.
5) Blowing saliva bubbles is your favorite too.
6) So is salivating for no reason.
7) You are not finishing up your milk at each feed. -_-
8) And you whine often (and always end up getting scolded by your Mummy and Yi-yi). :(
Is someone talking about me?
Baby Gap bought by 外婆
1) You are ever fascinated with moving objects, especially if they are in red, black or white.
2) You love listening to musics.
3) You are always ready to smile at us, even if it's in the early hours of the morning.
4) You will put your 2 little hands into your mouth at every chance. Then mess saliva all over your face.
5) Blowing saliva bubbles is your favorite too.
6) So is salivating for no reason.
7) You are not finishing up your milk at each feed. -_-
8) And you whine often (and always end up getting scolded by your Mummy and Yi-yi). :(


Thursday, November 1, 2007
More Pictures
Apologies to Baby Jayden's 'fans'. I do not have time to update with words so for now, am just going to satify your crave with some pictures taken recently... :P

Crooked Mouth Baby Jayden


Baby Jayden with a reserve smile.

Crooked Mouth Baby Jayden


Baby Jayden with a reserve smile.
Friday, October 12, 2007
Happy 4 Lunar Months, Darling.

Yi-yi just discovered this application in my computer, called Comics Life. Will be doing more comics stripes for you in time to come...

Pretending to wear the t-shirt that Yi-yi bought for you.
宝贝 turns 4 months old according to the lunar calendar. Following the chinese tradition, you can start eating all the food that we are eating. Of cos when I say eat, I do not mean literally eat. It is more like you can taste the food that we are eating.
Taking into consideration that you were a prematured baby, we decided to wait for another few months before we start feeding you solid food like porridge, puree and stuff... but tonight we will still do the traditional thing for you... Meaning that you will get to have your first taste of chicken drumsticks. The plan was your Mummy will be buying 烧鸡腿,油鸡腿,白斩鸡腿 for you to savour. Let's hope your Mummy had done the ordering, just in case they are sold out. There will also be a string of 'pong-pia' which actually I do not know what they are for. I only know it has something to do with your saliva. Anyway, these are some chinese traditions that the elders said we must do. Yi-yi's stand is this... If they are are harmless, not unreasonable and can make the elders happy by following what they say, then just do what they say. You probably want to adopt this mentality as well cos' looking at your Mummy now, i think she will be like your 外婆 - naggy... :P
Yi-yi bought you a little cute t-shirt for you yesterday. 外婆 said tonight will let you wear the new t-shirt to eat the chicken drumsticks and 'pong-pia'... So cute... : )
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
A Picture Paints A Thousand Words
Going 'gai-gai' again. : )
Mummy and Baby Jayden
Yi-yi loves you so muchie...
Just staring... @ you
Friday, October 5, 2007
You Are A Lucky Boy.

Darling, one of the things that you should learn about in your life is that 'life is full of ups and downs'. For every 'down' that you face, there will be a 'up'.
Knowing that you might need to go through another ops is a down for you cos' we are worried about the discomfort that you have to go through (though you might not understand it now) but by going through this 'down', Yi-yi realizes that there are a couple of 'ups' from this episode.
For one, the problem will be rectified and it is for a better future. Through this, I have also felt the loves that you are receiving from all the people around you. Many people are praying for you. Many people are giving you and your Daddy & Mummy their moral supports. Many people are showing their care and concern for my darling. You will grow to find out that all these are very important factors for you to grow up to be a better person. A lot of times, all these care, concern and love are very crucial when you are faced with obstacles in life. They will make you stronger to tackle the problems. I have strong faith that you will become a person who will not be stingy on giving your care, concern and love to other people. Keep in mind that we will be there to protect you from any harm but you need to face them by yourself, we will still be there go walk through it with you.
For now, these are the people who had shown their care, concern and love for you...
1) Daddy
2) Mummy
3) 爷爷
4) 奶奶
5) 外公
6) 外婆
7) 姨姨
8) 小舅舅
9) Khim-khim
10) 姑丈
11) 姑姑
12) Diana 姨姨
13) Doreen 姨姨
14) Eve 姨姨
15) Aunt Noelle (A fellow blogger)
Ain't you a lucky boy? : )
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Another Roller-Coaster Ride... A False Alarm, I Hope.

Baby Jayden went for another check-up yesterday. This time round is a follow-up on the surgery of your intestine as well as to check your spine-nerves suspicion.
Some time ago, the doctor suspected that your spine is pressing on your legs' nerves and they were worried that it might affect your legs' movement in future. A second check-up was done and doctor thinks maybe you were fine afterall. Hmmm... but yesterday's check-up seems to deliver another not-so-good news... Based on doctor's experience and looking at your back, he feels that spine-nerves problem exists. If there is really such a problem, you will need to do an operation to rectify the problem.
An appointment had been scheduled for a scan next week which will determine the condition. You will be admitted into the hospital on next Monday afternoon and the scan will be carried out on Tuesday. Once we have the result, then the doctor will be able to see what to do next. We think it is good if we can discover the problem now if it really exists. At least, we can do the operation now when you are still young. You will no doubt feel uncomfortable but at least you won't know that you have gone through the ops.
Aunt Addy just hope that this is going to be another false alarm and you are fine afterall. It pains all that who love you to think that you might need to go through another ops. Aunt Diana had left you a message giving you her utmost support. As for all the rest in your family, we are always there for you regardless of anything.
Be it that you need to go through the ops or not, we know that you are a brave boy and you will do us proud on and again. Let us all pray that this will be a false alarm again and you are just seeking attention from us.
Remember 1 thing, darling:
Do not have doubt that we love you loads. There is no 1 day that we do not miss you when we are at work. The first thing we do when we reach home from work is to talk to our darling ziao ziao face, everything else can wait. For you, we will go all the way to make sure that whatever we do are to your comfort. We are not asking for anything in return except for you to be healthy, strong and brave. Do us proud, okie?
我们爱你到了极点。就算我们在工作的时候, 我们无时无刻都在想你。回家后的第一件事就是先抱抱你,和你聊天。其他的事都排在第二位。为了让你觉得舒服开心,就算是麻烦点,做多一点,我们也愿意。为你做这么多,我们没怨言也不要你回报。我们只要你健康,快乐,坚强,勇敢,那将会是我们最想得到的辛福。要让我们以你为荣,ok?
Luv from Daddy, Mummy, 爷爷, 奶奶, 外公, 外婆, 姨姨, 小舅舅, 'Khim-khim', 姑丈, 姑姑 & Bryan哥哥
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Aunt Addy's Addiction
Aunt Addy loves to take picture of you when you had just taken your bath and wearing nice, cute clothes that are too big for you. It has become like an addiction for me... :P Check out some of the nicer pictures I had taken over the last few days.
Baby Jayden in an especially thick overall from 'Er-Yi-Po'. Had to wear that cos' we were going out for family dinner. It was raining the whole day on that day and the weather was especially cold. Wearing a thick overall... Pro: Kept you warm. Con: Had to strip you naked just to change your diaper. :(
I am so shy. They are always taking my photos or my videos...
I am wearing a new set of clothes that Aunt Addy bought for me but as you can see, it is too big again. "-_-



Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Jayden-Darius Connection
Hmmm... I know the video is not clear but it was such a cute and heart-warming scene when you 2 little boys 'connect'. Bro Darius came to visit with Aunt Diana and Khim-Po this afternoon. Bro Darius is at a stage where he is cute and still cute. Khim-po was carrying him when they were leaving and he suddenly decided to sayang you. The smart thing about him is that Aunt Klive taught him to be gentle when he sayang you and he remembered cos he was very gentle when he touched you. It was so sweet of him...
Baby Jayden, you are playing with your own toy. The swinging of the toy is ever so fascinating for you. It kept you entertained for really long while... : )
Sorry, Baby Jayden

Something happened yesternight that leaves Aunt Addy very guilty. : (
Your Mummy was downstairs buying dinner and your Grandpapa and Grandmama went to see the chinse sin-seh for Grandmama's arm. It was just me and you at home alone. You were sleeping on your mattress and I was just reading the newspaper. You were lying on your side with your face away from me. Then you started fidgeting but I thought you were just fidgeting like how you always do so I leave you to continue fidgeting cos' the elders always said 'Leave the baby be. Don't spoil the baby by going to him just because he fidgets and cry a little'. Next I heard you making a noise so I still sat where I am and just called out your name, thinking that it will comfort you to know that there is someone around. Soon after, you cried... I went to you immediately and I got a shock to see droplets of milk all over your face. That is when I know you 'choked' on your cough. I carried you up in my arms immediately and you were still crying loudly. I can see that you were feeling very uncomfortable. A few times, you appeared to me like you are going to choke or you are having a sore throat which is making you feel really uncomfortable.
At that point of time, I was thinking if I should call your Mummy or Grandpapa and Grandmama. Should I bring you down to the doctor? I wanted to feed you some warm water to soothe your throat but I was worried that I might choke you. I admit that I was at a lost then. I can tell that you were still very sleepy. You were yawning non-stop but each time you yawn, you gave me an impression that you are feeling pain in your throat and you will start crying. At that point of time, your Mummy was back. She wanted to bring you to the doctor but the clinic was closed. You also calmed down and fell alseep. We decide to monitor you for the night and see how is it before bringing you to the doctor this morning. Pediatrician said that it is nothing major, probably just some phlegm in your throat.
What Aunt Addy felt really bad last night is that I did not notice your discomfort earlier and you have to go through all the 'choke' and 'pain' before. I'm so sorry, my dear. Aunt Addy will be more observant and attentive to you next time, okie? I'm sure someting like this will happen again but I will make sure that the chance of that happening is minimised.
Love you more each day... : )
Friday, September 21, 2007
Very Hungry...
Uncle Terence just bluetooth this video of you to me. He filmed this when you are hungry and waiting for your Grandmama to make milk for you. Grandmama's so slow hor... : (
Come to think of it... I think you gei-gei cry wan le...
1. There is no tears.
2. When something caught your attention, you suddenly turn your attention elsewhere and stop crying.
Conclusion: You are just pretending to cry one... Scheming little brat! Hahaha... (but I likeeee.)
Come to think of it... I think you gei-gei cry wan le...
1. There is no tears.
2. When something caught your attention, you suddenly turn your attention elsewhere and stop crying.
Conclusion: You are just pretending to cry one... Scheming little brat! Hahaha... (but I likeeee.)
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Baby Jayden's Little Corner
You had started sleeping in your little white cot (from Aunt Addy) since last week. You seem to be adjusting pretty well to the new sleeping environment. Uncle Terence and Aunt Rancy were complaining that your Mummy was keeping all the toys that they / people bought for you so when last week Aunt Addy went to stay over at your place, I rummaged through the stack of your gifts to find the musical toy that can be fixed onto your cot. Finally, the musical toy is up and working. From the way you kept looking at the toy, I reckoned that you were either enjoying, fascinated or mesmerized by it. : )

Baby Jayden's Little Corner. You happened to be staring at the musical toy.

Musical Toy From Uncle Terence and Aunt Rancy

The Little Piglet I Bought For You : )
You started staying at Grandmama's place since Sunday night cos' your Mummy started working on Monday. The whole family changes our sleeping patterns just for you. You were good on certain nights and grouchy on some nights but for you we are willing to put up for it. That doesn't mean you can be a spoilt brat, okie? You have to cooperate too, okie? Your poor Grandmama and Uncle Terence are lacking of sleep because they sleep in the same room as you. I pity poor Grandmama most... I try not to talk bad about your Mummy to you but she made me so angry. I will tell you why when you grow up (If I can still remember then.) but for now, I am not going to speak to her until she realizes how not understanding she is.

Baby Jayden's Little Corner. You happened to be staring at the musical toy.

Musical Toy From Uncle Terence and Aunt Rancy

The Little Piglet I Bought For You : )
You started staying at Grandmama's place since Sunday night cos' your Mummy started working on Monday. The whole family changes our sleeping patterns just for you. You were good on certain nights and grouchy on some nights but for you we are willing to put up for it. That doesn't mean you can be a spoilt brat, okie? You have to cooperate too, okie? Your poor Grandmama and Uncle Terence are lacking of sleep because they sleep in the same room as you. I pity poor Grandmama most... I try not to talk bad about your Mummy to you but she made me so angry. I will tell you why when you grow up (If I can still remember then.) but for now, I am not going to speak to her until she realizes how not understanding she is.
Sunday, September 2, 2007
You Looked So Cuteeeeee!!!
Yi-yi was staying at your place on Thursday and Friday nights cos' I wanted to help look after you. You kept your Daddy and Mummy up for 6 hours the night before. Poor Daddy and Mummy did not catch enough sleep and both of them had the feeling that they were going to fall sick soon. Somehow, you seldom give Yi-yi much problem when I am around at night. You are indeed my darlling. : )
Yesterday, we went to Khim-boh's place. Think your Mummy was more excited than you cos' the night before, she already prepared the clothes that you were going to wear to Khim-boh's place. She said she wants you to wear the Armani Baby t-shirt that Aunt Diana bought for you. When we dressed you up on Saturday morning, you looked so cuteeeee in the little t-shirt that is still a bit big for your size but that's okie cos' Yi-yi decided that it shall be a hip-hop day for you. Hahaha...

Yesterday, we went to Khim-boh's place. Think your Mummy was more excited than you cos' the night before, she already prepared the clothes that you were going to wear to Khim-boh's place. She said she wants you to wear the Armani Baby t-shirt that Aunt Diana bought for you. When we dressed you up on Saturday morning, you looked so cuteeeee in the little t-shirt that is still a bit big for your size but that's okie cos' Yi-yi decided that it shall be a hip-hop day for you. Hahaha...

Sunday, August 26, 2007
Many Heartpains Because Of You...
My darling 'ziao ziao face' is sick. : (
Yesterday, I noticed that you were coughing much too often than you should. When I held you in my hands, I can feel the 'vibration' in your breathing. An indication that there is phlegm in your breathing path. You were also sneezing a couple of times. During the last couple of feedings last night, you even puked out quite a bit of your milk when you coughed. It really pains us to see you in such discomfort.
Your Mummy, Grandpapa and Grandmama brought you to the doctor at KK this morning. You have gotten a cough and blocked nose. When you came back from the hospital, you must be feeling really uncomfortable cos' you were crying non-stop. What worries us most then is that the crying will make your throat more sore. Fortunately, you managed to catch some sleep after that.
I just gave your Mummy a call a minute ago and hear you crying in her arms. I think you must be feeling really uncomfortable now. Please god, let my little darling be well soon. Pass all his cough and flu to Aunty Addy. As long as Baby Jayden can feel better, I am willing to be sick for him. Please help him be well again.
Yesterday, I noticed that you were coughing much too often than you should. When I held you in my hands, I can feel the 'vibration' in your breathing. An indication that there is phlegm in your breathing path. You were also sneezing a couple of times. During the last couple of feedings last night, you even puked out quite a bit of your milk when you coughed. It really pains us to see you in such discomfort.
Your Mummy, Grandpapa and Grandmama brought you to the doctor at KK this morning. You have gotten a cough and blocked nose. When you came back from the hospital, you must be feeling really uncomfortable cos' you were crying non-stop. What worries us most then is that the crying will make your throat more sore. Fortunately, you managed to catch some sleep after that.
I just gave your Mummy a call a minute ago and hear you crying in her arms. I think you must be feeling really uncomfortable now. Please god, let my little darling be well soon. Pass all his cough and flu to Aunty Addy. As long as Baby Jayden can feel better, I am willing to be sick for him. Please help him be well again.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007
A Request From Your Proud Daddy.
Darling 'Ziao Ziao Face'... As Aunty Addy is typing this post, you are sleeping on Grandmama's bed. You are staying over at Grandmama's place for the 2nd night in a row cos' your Mummy isn't feeling very well today. Think she is lacking sleep from taking care of you. Poor thing...
This post is a special request from your Daddy yesterday. Your Daddy wants me to upload the video of you that smiled the same way as he does.
I was carrying you the other day and decided to shoot a video clip of you. I was just cooing and talking to you while shooting the video. Then I asked you to give Aunty Addy a smile, a smile just like the way your Daddy does it. To my surprise, you smiled (in about 3 seconds) exactly like your Daddy. It is probably a coincidence but it just seems like you understand what Aunty Addy is asking of you. Your Daddy was the proudest of all in this episode. He said the video clip must be uploaded onto your blog for all to see…
So ‘Hao Lian’ hor… : )
This post is a special request from your Daddy yesterday. Your Daddy wants me to upload the video of you that smiled the same way as he does.
I was carrying you the other day and decided to shoot a video clip of you. I was just cooing and talking to you while shooting the video. Then I asked you to give Aunty Addy a smile, a smile just like the way your Daddy does it. To my surprise, you smiled (in about 3 seconds) exactly like your Daddy. It is probably a coincidence but it just seems like you understand what Aunty Addy is asking of you. Your Daddy was the proudest of all in this episode. He said the video clip must be uploaded onto your blog for all to see…
So ‘Hao Lian’ hor… : )
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Such A Funny, Cute Picture
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
Baby Jayden Enjoys Music

Baby Jayden... For a start, let me tell you how proud I am of you! You had managed the achieved the 1st goal that Aunty Addy and you made. : )
Since your discharged, you had been receiving many guests. Everyone just wanted to have a good look at my darling nephew. :)
Everything about you are so small, your hands, legs, head, body...
It has been more than a week since you discharged. Like all first time parents, your Daddy and Mummy are still learning the rope of looking after you 24/7. It has not been easy for them for the past 1 week. They were kept awake for many nights because you just refused to sleep during the night. Aunty Addy knows it is not easy for you due to the change of environment. Don't worry, okie? Take your time. For you, we will be very patient.
Last Wednesday, I went up to your place to sleepover cos' your Mummy was telling me that you had been awake for 2 - 3 hrs everynght after your feeding. One of the nights, your Daddy and Mummy stayed up from 3 - 6am trying to pacify you back to sleep. You finally slept at 6am but you woke up half an hour later for your next feeding. Your Daddy and Mummy were super lack of sleep but to them you come first. Back to my sleepover at your place... It was a public holiday the next day so I thought I can help your Mummy should you decide not to sleep at night.
On the night that I was there, I was talking to your Mummy when she was feeding you. A thought came to my mind when we were talking about you waking up at night. I told your Mummy that maybe we can try to play some soothing music for you to listen. At that time, we weren't sure if it will work but Aunty Addy was thinking... Why not just try it? You might like it afterall.
I started playing the following 5 pieces of music for you:
1. Canon in D
2. Sundial Dreams
3. Ballade Pour Adeline
4. Theme from "Love Story"
5. Music-Box Tune
To our surprise, you seem to enjoy the music. We decide to play the music repeatedly for you over the night and for the first night since you came back from the hospital, you slept throughout the night except for the regular feeding times. Many times after that night, we will play the music for you when you were crying or grouchy and you will be pacified by the music. I guess babies do like soothing music but I am still quite amazed that the music actually works.
Because you like to listen to music so much, I am going to give my Shuffles to you so that your Mummy can play the music for you throughout the night but before that, I got to ask your Uncle Terence if he is okie to give you the Shuffles cos' I actually passed it to him since I had my iPod Video. I am quite sure though that he will give it up for our dear darling. : )
Your Mummy just told me that you will be coming over to Grandmama's place tomorrow... :D I am going to come home as early as I can after work to see my darling. Miss you already...
P.S. Just remembered a small little t-shirt that Aunty Diana bought for you a while back. Aunt Diana was shopping for Bro Darius and saw the t-shirt just for you. It is such a little cute thing!!

Wednesday, August 1, 2007
The Day Has Come!!
After 1 month 2 weeks & 3 days, you are finally going to be discharged tomorrow. I am going to push away all my appointments for tomorrow evening cos I am going to zoom to your house to see our darling Baby Jayden right after work. Nothing is going to stop me from doing that.
I am going to carry you in my arms. I really can't wait to cuddle you in my arms. Love you, darling...
I am going to carry you in my arms. I really can't wait to cuddle you in my arms. Love you, darling...
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Unbelievably Loved!
Let's see... You are 1 month & 1 week old and guess what gift you receive from Uncle Terence and Aunty Rancy?! It is a pair of Puma Trionfo 2 Massa Infant shoes, translate to simple english.. it is a pair of Puma Ferrari edition shoes.

You probably can't fit into the shoes till you are 1 yrs old but Uncle Terence bought it anyway. He also bought a pair for your Cousin Darius. It just seem like our focus had shifted since you little boys were born. We want to buy the cutest, nicest stuff for you boys. Just the other day, Aunty Diana bought this cute little Armani Baby T-shirt for you. I can't wait to see you in them.
Your Mummy just informed me that you are at 1.815kg now. I see that you are doing really good. Definitely working towards your goal. Was informed by the nurse that you might be able to discharge next week!!! Just a wee bit more, darling Jayden. I'm without a doubt that you can do it... : )

You probably can't fit into the shoes till you are 1 yrs old but Uncle Terence bought it anyway. He also bought a pair for your Cousin Darius. It just seem like our focus had shifted since you little boys were born. We want to buy the cutest, nicest stuff for you boys. Just the other day, Aunty Diana bought this cute little Armani Baby T-shirt for you. I can't wait to see you in them.
Your Mummy just informed me that you are at 1.815kg now. I see that you are doing really good. Definitely working towards your goal. Was informed by the nurse that you might be able to discharge next week!!! Just a wee bit more, darling Jayden. I'm without a doubt that you can do it... : )
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Finally... Cutie.
17 July 2007, Tuesday...
This was the date that I finally see you face-to-face.
We were going for a family dinner at Vienna in United Square. Before the dinner, we made a detour to the hospital to visit our dear little prince. We had been informed by your Mummy on Sunday that we can see you from outside your ward through the glass window. We were very excited as we have been waiting for this day for the longest time.
Your Mummy pushed you from your ward to beside the glass window so that we can see you clearly. She was carrying you and talking to you.. Can't hear what she said but I am sure she is introducing us to you. Poor Uncle Terence, Aunty Rancy and myself (Aunty Addy) were seeing you with the glass window separating us but we are already very contented to be able to see you this way.
We know you are anxious to see us like we are to see you.. There were quite a few times when we saw you wanting to open your eyes but I think there was some 'sticky eyes shit' that kept your eyes closed... Heehee... You were smiling a few times too... and I think you smile like your Daddy with one side of your mouth tilted.
You are one cute, little boy... As of yesterday, you are at 1.645kg... Well done, Baby Jayden. Remember the goal, okie? Let's work towards that...
P.S. Wanna let you know how much your Daddy and Mummy love you. They were informed by the nurse last night that you are only left with 1 bottle of breast milk which might not be enough for you to last through the night. Immediately, your Mummy tried to pump some breast milk at the hospital. After dinner, your Daddy sent us back and went home to pick up the already pumped out breast milk to send it to hospital for you. By then, it should be almost 11pm. For his little darling, he did it without complaints. When you grow up, this blog will serve as a reminder on the unconditional love that your Daddy and Mummy has showered upon you...
This was the date that I finally see you face-to-face.
We were going for a family dinner at Vienna in United Square. Before the dinner, we made a detour to the hospital to visit our dear little prince. We had been informed by your Mummy on Sunday that we can see you from outside your ward through the glass window. We were very excited as we have been waiting for this day for the longest time.
Your Mummy pushed you from your ward to beside the glass window so that we can see you clearly. She was carrying you and talking to you.. Can't hear what she said but I am sure she is introducing us to you. Poor Uncle Terence, Aunty Rancy and myself (Aunty Addy) were seeing you with the glass window separating us but we are already very contented to be able to see you this way.
We know you are anxious to see us like we are to see you.. There were quite a few times when we saw you wanting to open your eyes but I think there was some 'sticky eyes shit' that kept your eyes closed... Heehee... You were smiling a few times too... and I think you smile like your Daddy with one side of your mouth tilted.
You are one cute, little boy... As of yesterday, you are at 1.645kg... Well done, Baby Jayden. Remember the goal, okie? Let's work towards that...
P.S. Wanna let you know how much your Daddy and Mummy love you. They were informed by the nurse last night that you are only left with 1 bottle of breast milk which might not be enough for you to last through the night. Immediately, your Mummy tried to pump some breast milk at the hospital. After dinner, your Daddy sent us back and went home to pick up the already pumped out breast milk to send it to hospital for you. By then, it should be almost 11pm. For his little darling, he did it without complaints. When you grow up, this blog will serve as a reminder on the unconditional love that your Daddy and Mummy has showered upon you...
Monday, July 16, 2007
Happy Full Month Old, Baby Jayden
Time flies... You are 1 month old already. It seems like not so long ago that you were born.
You are still this mystery baby that everyone knows exist but yet to have a look at you. Every now and then, someone will be asking "Can we see Baby Jayden already?" or "When can we see Baby Jayden?". All of us are anxious to see you but we can wait. For the good of your health, we are willing to wait.
Let's set a goal for you, shall we? Say we aim for 2 weeks from now for you to gain another 0.4kg. I have faith in you that you can achieve the goal. We will be giving you moral supports from the sideline.
Oh ya... we know you love Uncle Terence and Aunty Rancy too... though we think you love Uncle Terence only teeny-weeny bit. Heehee... (If he sees this, he's going to scream!! Hahaha...)
Uncle Terence and Aunty Rancy striked 4D over the weekends and the numbers that they striked are numbers to do with you. They placed a very small bet on the numbers and they bought 'ibet' on the numbers so the winnings are relatively smaller. At least Aunty Rancy striked 1st prize so she still won a few hundred dollars but poor Uncle Terence only striked consolation prize and guess how much is his winning?? A very auspicious $18... :P
Nonetheless... like Aunty Addy, they feel your love for them... :D
You are still this mystery baby that everyone knows exist but yet to have a look at you. Every now and then, someone will be asking "Can we see Baby Jayden already?" or "When can we see Baby Jayden?". All of us are anxious to see you but we can wait. For the good of your health, we are willing to wait.
Let's set a goal for you, shall we? Say we aim for 2 weeks from now for you to gain another 0.4kg. I have faith in you that you can achieve the goal. We will be giving you moral supports from the sideline.
Oh ya... we know you love Uncle Terence and Aunty Rancy too... though we think you love Uncle Terence only teeny-weeny bit. Heehee... (If he sees this, he's going to scream!! Hahaha...)
Uncle Terence and Aunty Rancy striked 4D over the weekends and the numbers that they striked are numbers to do with you. They placed a very small bet on the numbers and they bought 'ibet' on the numbers so the winnings are relatively smaller. At least Aunty Rancy striked 1st prize so she still won a few hundred dollars but poor Uncle Terence only striked consolation prize and guess how much is his winning?? A very auspicious $18... :P
Nonetheless... like Aunty Addy, they feel your love for them... :D
Sunday, July 8, 2007
Such A Fortunate Baby.
Dearie, you are so loved by all those around you... You have received so many wonderful gifts from people around you. Uncle Shihao and Aunty Nicole bought you a lovely pram to be placed at Grandmama's house. They are really generous with you. The lovely pram is one that your Mummy had wanted to buy for you. When Aunty Nicole found out about THE PRAM, they bought it without hesitation for you. It is really sweet of them. Your Mummy is really appreciative of this gesture from them. I know that if you were to understand things, you will be very thankful too...
And I Know You Love Me Too... : )
3 Weeks 1 Day = 22 Days
22 Days, that is how old you are today. On this 22nd day of your life, I feel your love for Aunty Addy. : )
On Friday, I went to the hospital to meet your Grandpapa, Grandmama, Daddy & Mummy. They were going to visit you again. : ( As we were supposed to go somewhere together after your visit, I decided to meet them there even though I will not be able to see my little darling. I knew it is quite impossible but I ask your Mummy to try her luck with the nurse to see if they will 'break the rule' and let me visit you just this once. Tough luck! Even before your Mummy asks the nurse, we saw 2 incidents where they checked on the visitors' connection to the babies there. I guess I just had to satisfy my request to see you from the glass window. You were sleeping in the incubator further away from the glass window.. so I can only see the shape of your body but not your face. : (
Aunty Addy is constantly checking on your weight cos' it will determine when you will be out of the incubator and subsequently discharge. On Friday, I asked the same questioin again... "What is Baby Jayden's weight?" I can't remember if it is your Daddy or Mummy who answered me but I was told '1.490kg'. I was happy with the answer cos' it only means that you will be out of the incubator really soon. : )
Over the weekends, being quite a regular 4D buyer, your weight of 1.490kg is 1 of the 3 numbers that I bought for this weekends. Guess what?? It came out the 3RD PRIZE TODAY!!! I strike 4D!!! Yipppeeee!! Not a lot of money since I am just a 'small' gambler but I am already very contented. It has come in handy.
I was so happy that I was telling your Daddy and Mummy that our Baby Jayden loves me loads lor.. cos' indirectly you gave me the instinct to buy this number... : )
P.S. Your Grandmama, Mummy and Grandfather went to visit you this afternoon and they brought with them great news that you do not have to sleep in the incubator anymore. It will be really soon that you will be coming home..
22 Days, that is how old you are today. On this 22nd day of your life, I feel your love for Aunty Addy. : )
On Friday, I went to the hospital to meet your Grandpapa, Grandmama, Daddy & Mummy. They were going to visit you again. : ( As we were supposed to go somewhere together after your visit, I decided to meet them there even though I will not be able to see my little darling. I knew it is quite impossible but I ask your Mummy to try her luck with the nurse to see if they will 'break the rule' and let me visit you just this once. Tough luck! Even before your Mummy asks the nurse, we saw 2 incidents where they checked on the visitors' connection to the babies there. I guess I just had to satisfy my request to see you from the glass window. You were sleeping in the incubator further away from the glass window.. so I can only see the shape of your body but not your face. : (
Aunty Addy is constantly checking on your weight cos' it will determine when you will be out of the incubator and subsequently discharge. On Friday, I asked the same questioin again... "What is Baby Jayden's weight?" I can't remember if it is your Daddy or Mummy who answered me but I was told '1.490kg'. I was happy with the answer cos' it only means that you will be out of the incubator really soon. : )
Over the weekends, being quite a regular 4D buyer, your weight of 1.490kg is 1 of the 3 numbers that I bought for this weekends. Guess what?? It came out the 3RD PRIZE TODAY!!! I strike 4D!!! Yipppeeee!! Not a lot of money since I am just a 'small' gambler but I am already very contented. It has come in handy.
I was so happy that I was telling your Daddy and Mummy that our Baby Jayden loves me loads lor.. cos' indirectly you gave me the instinct to buy this number... : )
P.S. Your Grandmama, Mummy and Grandfather went to visit you this afternoon and they brought with them great news that you do not have to sleep in the incubator anymore. It will be really soon that you will be coming home..
Monday, July 2, 2007
Pee-ing & Poo-ing Loads
You are 16 days old today, Baby Jayden. It seems like just a couple of days ago that you were born.
Over the weekends, you were transferred from ICU to the Special Care Nursery which means that your condition has improved. You have been growning steadily over the past 1 week. Your current weight is at 1.430kg. You must 'Jia You', okie? Another 0.570kg to the first goal in your life. I am sure you can do it in real short time.
Grandpapa and Grandmama will visit you every few days to see how is their little darling doing? Like every other Grandmama, your Grandmama was beaming with pride whenever she talks about you. She even thinks you are cute when you were too lazy to wake up when she called you during one of her visits. When your Grandmama visited, the nurse was telling her that you are pee-ing and poo-ing loads.. They have to change your diapers ever so often.
You must continue to drink more, pee & poo more. Most importantly, you must grow more. We can't wait for the day that the doctor announces that you are big enough to be discharged. It will be a day of celebration...
p.s. With the help from your Granny, your chinese name is 卓政贤. LOVELY!!
Over the weekends, you were transferred from ICU to the Special Care Nursery which means that your condition has improved. You have been growning steadily over the past 1 week. Your current weight is at 1.430kg. You must 'Jia You', okie? Another 0.570kg to the first goal in your life. I am sure you can do it in real short time.
Grandpapa and Grandmama will visit you every few days to see how is their little darling doing? Like every other Grandmama, your Grandmama was beaming with pride whenever she talks about you. She even thinks you are cute when you were too lazy to wake up when she called you during one of her visits. When your Grandmama visited, the nurse was telling her that you are pee-ing and poo-ing loads.. They have to change your diapers ever so often.
You must continue to drink more, pee & poo more. Most importantly, you must grow more. We can't wait for the day that the doctor announces that you are big enough to be discharged. It will be a day of celebration...
p.s. With the help from your Granny, your chinese name is 卓政贤. LOVELY!!
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Another 0.710kg to go...
An update from your daddy brings happy news.. You started on your feeding since Monday. However little is the amount, it is still a good start. On Monday, you were fed 1ml of milk every 2 hours. Yesterday, it had increased to 2ml of milk in every 2 hours. Poor baby, you must have been starving for the past 1 week. No worries... you can start enjoying your mummy's breast milk from now on. Your daddy and mummy have taken great effort to ensure that you have sufficient breast milk once you start on your feeding.
Your mummy started trying from Day 2 to make sure that the flow will be sufficient for you and your daddy has been bringing the milk down to the hospital everyday without fail. We were all just waiting for the day that you can start your feeding and start putting on some weight. Since your first feeding, you have consistently put on 20g each day. Your weight shoud be at 1.290kg as of yesterday. Remember to eat more in the days to come and we will be waiting for the day that you weigh 2kg.
Everyone in the families is waiting for the day that we can see you. Don't make us wait too long, okie? : )
Your mummy started trying from Day 2 to make sure that the flow will be sufficient for you and your daddy has been bringing the milk down to the hospital everyday without fail. We were all just waiting for the day that you can start your feeding and start putting on some weight. Since your first feeding, you have consistently put on 20g each day. Your weight shoud be at 1.290kg as of yesterday. Remember to eat more in the days to come and we will be waiting for the day that you weigh 2kg.
Everyone in the families is waiting for the day that we can see you. Don't make us wait too long, okie? : )
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Jayden, Our Brave Warrior!
A quote from your mummy (the power of mother-child connection):
"It's Jayden who taught me to be strong. He has persisted so much and come so far. No way am I gonna let him down now."
Baby Jayden, you had been scaring us enough for the past 8 months. Please stop doing that. You are young but Aunt Addy is not. Sooner or later, I will die of heart-attack caused by you... :P
You were born on 16 June 2007, Saturday, at 10:01am. You were 2 months ahead of your due date so your weight is only at 1.230kg. You managed to frighten all of us 1 hour before you are born though. Your mummy was admitted into the hospital cos' her BP was terribly high and your gynae said your heartbeat was weak. Your gynae wanted your mummy to be admitted for observation. Who is to know that at 9am, your mummy called your daddy to inform him that the doc is going to operate on her to bring you out. We were all sleeping when we received the call about you coming out prematurely. We were shocked out of our sleeps. I rushed down with Grandmama. Your daddy rushed down with your Granny, Uncle Terence and Aunt Rancy. Aunt Nicole rushed down with Greataunt and Aunt Doreen. Aunt Diana and Aunt Eve also came down after Bro Darius finished his class. We were all praying so hard that everything will be fine. There is nothing else that we want more. You can never imagine how happy we were when we found out that both your mummy and you are safe and sound. Everyone was just smiling from head to toe... :D
For the next few days, we were just busy visiting your mummy. Please do not misunderstand that we were not concern about you cos' we are not visiting you. It is because you are in the incubator in ICU and only your daddy & mummy and grandparents are allowed to visit you. In fact, I 'play cheat' and wheel your mummy down to see you on your 2nd day. When I wheeled her into the ICU to your cube, I managed to catch a glimpse of you before they chased me out. : ( I remember you were squinching your face with your eyes closed. I also remember that you have really long fingers and I mean REEEAAAALLLYY long. I bet you are going to be 1 tall guy when you grow up which I am glad for you...
Last night we received not so good news from the doctor. Doc said that seems like you are unable to get rid of your waste which is causing your tummy to be very bloated! I can see that your daddy and mummy were heartbroken, especially when the doc said that an operation might be needed to solve the problem. Our darling Jayden is only 2 days old and have to go through a major operation (by your standard). We can't bear for you to go through the pain. :_(
By early afternoon today, doc confirmed that an ops for you is inevitable and has to be carried out immediately. Your ops was scheduled in the evening after ops of another 3 babies. Your daddy and mummy were so worried. Grandmama and Granny were feeling the pain that you had to go through the ops. Aunt Addy, Aunt Rancy, Aunt Diana, Aunt Doreen & 4th Greataunt went down to the hospital to give you our moral support. All your greataunt, uncles and aunts who were not present were equally concern about you too. We were giving them constant updates to let them know the latest situation.
At 7:30pm, your daddy and mummy received a call from the doc to inform that the ops is over and wants to see them. After about 30mins, they came down and delivered happy news...
Darling Baby Jayden,
We are very happy that you had won yet another battle. We know it is not easy for you but each time, you had made us really proud of you. This is only the 3rd day of your life but you had been through what Aunt Addy has never been through and I salute you for your courage. I strongly believe that you are going to be a very strong boy from now on and you will fight and win every battles like a warrior...
We love you for being such a brave boy...
"It's Jayden who taught me to be strong. He has persisted so much and come so far. No way am I gonna let him down now."
Baby Jayden, you had been scaring us enough for the past 8 months. Please stop doing that. You are young but Aunt Addy is not. Sooner or later, I will die of heart-attack caused by you... :P
You were born on 16 June 2007, Saturday, at 10:01am. You were 2 months ahead of your due date so your weight is only at 1.230kg. You managed to frighten all of us 1 hour before you are born though. Your mummy was admitted into the hospital cos' her BP was terribly high and your gynae said your heartbeat was weak. Your gynae wanted your mummy to be admitted for observation. Who is to know that at 9am, your mummy called your daddy to inform him that the doc is going to operate on her to bring you out. We were all sleeping when we received the call about you coming out prematurely. We were shocked out of our sleeps. I rushed down with Grandmama. Your daddy rushed down with your Granny, Uncle Terence and Aunt Rancy. Aunt Nicole rushed down with Greataunt and Aunt Doreen. Aunt Diana and Aunt Eve also came down after Bro Darius finished his class. We were all praying so hard that everything will be fine. There is nothing else that we want more. You can never imagine how happy we were when we found out that both your mummy and you are safe and sound. Everyone was just smiling from head to toe... :D
For the next few days, we were just busy visiting your mummy. Please do not misunderstand that we were not concern about you cos' we are not visiting you. It is because you are in the incubator in ICU and only your daddy & mummy and grandparents are allowed to visit you. In fact, I 'play cheat' and wheel your mummy down to see you on your 2nd day. When I wheeled her into the ICU to your cube, I managed to catch a glimpse of you before they chased me out. : ( I remember you were squinching your face with your eyes closed. I also remember that you have really long fingers and I mean REEEAAAALLLYY long. I bet you are going to be 1 tall guy when you grow up which I am glad for you...
Last night we received not so good news from the doctor. Doc said that seems like you are unable to get rid of your waste which is causing your tummy to be very bloated! I can see that your daddy and mummy were heartbroken, especially when the doc said that an operation might be needed to solve the problem. Our darling Jayden is only 2 days old and have to go through a major operation (by your standard). We can't bear for you to go through the pain. :_(
By early afternoon today, doc confirmed that an ops for you is inevitable and has to be carried out immediately. Your ops was scheduled in the evening after ops of another 3 babies. Your daddy and mummy were so worried. Grandmama and Granny were feeling the pain that you had to go through the ops. Aunt Addy, Aunt Rancy, Aunt Diana, Aunt Doreen & 4th Greataunt went down to the hospital to give you our moral support. All your greataunt, uncles and aunts who were not present were equally concern about you too. We were giving them constant updates to let them know the latest situation.
At 7:30pm, your daddy and mummy received a call from the doc to inform that the ops is over and wants to see them. After about 30mins, they came down and delivered happy news...
Darling Baby Jayden,
We are very happy that you had won yet another battle. We know it is not easy for you but each time, you had made us really proud of you. This is only the 3rd day of your life but you had been through what Aunt Addy has never been through and I salute you for your courage. I strongly believe that you are going to be a very strong boy from now on and you will fight and win every battles like a warrior...
We love you for being such a brave boy...
Monday, June 11, 2007
Baby Cot For Baby Jayden
Baby Jayden, Aunt Addy has bought you your first bed in your life... :D
Aunt Addy has always known that she would want to buy something for you to welcome you into our family but I did not have any idea what to get you until 2 weeks ago. I was looking around for something to buy for you when I chanced by baby cot. That is when I knew that is what I can buy for you. I started shopping around, with Aunt Diana's help, to look for one that is relatively good and stable for you.
We went to the Motherhood fair in Expo yesterday and with Aunt Diana and Uncle Don's experience, I decided to buy a white colour pine wood cot from the fair. Its usual price was $400+ but at the fair, it is going at $229. With an addition of a mattress, it comes up to $269 for the whole thing. Like most of the cot, you can use this as a bed even when you are slightly older.
I actually have an idea to paint the white frame of your cot with nice, cute picture but Aunt Addy is never good at drawings so I guess we shan't 'spoil' the cot with my 'artistic' drawings... : )
This looks a bit like your cot minus all the accessories inside of cos... or do they just look the same to me?? :P
Aunt Addy has always known that she would want to buy something for you to welcome you into our family but I did not have any idea what to get you until 2 weeks ago. I was looking around for something to buy for you when I chanced by baby cot. That is when I knew that is what I can buy for you. I started shopping around, with Aunt Diana's help, to look for one that is relatively good and stable for you.
We went to the Motherhood fair in Expo yesterday and with Aunt Diana and Uncle Don's experience, I decided to buy a white colour pine wood cot from the fair. Its usual price was $400+ but at the fair, it is going at $229. With an addition of a mattress, it comes up to $269 for the whole thing. Like most of the cot, you can use this as a bed even when you are slightly older.
I actually have an idea to paint the white frame of your cot with nice, cute picture but Aunt Addy is never good at drawings so I guess we shan't 'spoil' the cot with my 'artistic' drawings... : )
This looks a bit like your cot minus all the accessories inside of cos... or do they just look the same to me?? :P

Thursday, May 24, 2007
Jayden, You Shall Be...
Aunt Addy has not been updating your blog regularly cos' you have been a really good boy. Your mummy just give me the 'go-ahead' that I can call you Jayden from now on. She said it is more or less confirmed unless your daddy changes his mind. I am hoping that he will not cos' I think Jayden is a very very beautiful name which really suits you..
Meaning: God has heard...
Given what we had went through, I really think 'God has heard' our prayers...
Meaning: God has heard...
Given what we had went through, I really think 'God has heard' our prayers...
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Darling Boy, You Are Going To Be One Persistent Fellow.
Darling boy, Aunt Addy already know that being persistent will be part of your personalities. I won't know if that will be to your benefit or not in future but for now, I am very proud of you for being so persistent in joining us. Having you is a god's gift to us but what has happened for the past 1 month is a miracle. I know you had worked very hard in your mummy's tummy for the past month and that itself already shows that you belong to our families cos' in our families, we work together and support each other when problems arise.
This is the 24th going to 25th weeks. You will be joining us in another 4 months and we can't wait for that day to come... : )
This is the 24th going to 25th weeks. You will be joining us in another 4 months and we can't wait for that day to come... : )
Saturday, March 17, 2007
I Feel Your Heartbeats, Little Dearie.
This is not going to be a long post but I just felt that I want to write down how I feel when I felt your heartbeats.
Mummy came down to grandmama's place this evening. When I reached home at 10:30pm, your mummy is still around waiting for your daddy to come and pick her up. Then I remembered that you, our little dearie, like to do your little exercise at around this time. I asked your mummy if you are kicking her and she was saying 'nope, never'.
Being the stubborn Aunty Addy, I placed my palm on your mummy's tummy where our little dearie is lying in and suddenly your mummy told me that you are moving!!! Hmmm... I think you did not kick hard enough cos Aunty Addy can't feel the kick. : ( The next time Aunty Addy placed her hands on your mummy's tummy again, you must kick harder okie? Then Aunty Addy will be able to feel your moves too.. I must say that even though I do not feel your kicks but I am still rewarded with feeling your heartbeats. I was quite pleasantly surprised to feel that cos I thought you will be too small for us to feel any heartbeats, especially with your mummy's tummy is acting as a barrier between you and my palm. How to feel through that layers of fats, right? : P (Your mummy is so going to curse and swear at me when she sees this entry. Please remind your mummy not to curse and swear at Aunty Addy, okie? It is not good for your teaching. 'Tai Jiao, Tai Jiao'... Hahaha... )
Little dearie, you will be 5 months old by mid next week... Thereafter, we will be left with 140 days to your arrival. Really can't wait for that day to come... Love you. : )
Mummy came down to grandmama's place this evening. When I reached home at 10:30pm, your mummy is still around waiting for your daddy to come and pick her up. Then I remembered that you, our little dearie, like to do your little exercise at around this time. I asked your mummy if you are kicking her and she was saying 'nope, never'.
Being the stubborn Aunty Addy, I placed my palm on your mummy's tummy where our little dearie is lying in and suddenly your mummy told me that you are moving!!! Hmmm... I think you did not kick hard enough cos Aunty Addy can't feel the kick. : ( The next time Aunty Addy placed her hands on your mummy's tummy again, you must kick harder okie? Then Aunty Addy will be able to feel your moves too.. I must say that even though I do not feel your kicks but I am still rewarded with feeling your heartbeats. I was quite pleasantly surprised to feel that cos I thought you will be too small for us to feel any heartbeats, especially with your mummy's tummy is acting as a barrier between you and my palm. How to feel through that layers of fats, right? : P (Your mummy is so going to curse and swear at me when she sees this entry. Please remind your mummy not to curse and swear at Aunty Addy, okie? It is not good for your teaching. 'Tai Jiao, Tai Jiao'... Hahaha... )
Little dearie, you will be 5 months old by mid next week... Thereafter, we will be left with 140 days to your arrival. Really can't wait for that day to come... Love you. : )
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Kick-Boxer? Karate Master? Soccer Star?
Darling, it has been a while since Aunt Addy write about you. I did not want to turn your blog into something monotonous and boring with the same contents day in day out. Hence, did not put up any new entry since nothing much exciting happens... not until last night...
We all believe that you kicked your mummy last night. She could not be sure if it was from you or was she dreaming cos it happened in the middle of the night. But both your daddy and Aunt Addy believe that it was you. It is so exciting. I can't wait for the day that I will be able to feel or see your kick on your mummy's tummy.
Your first kick happened in the middle of the night. Hmmm... does that mean that you are going to be a night owl like your Aunt Addy instead of your Sleeping Beauty mummy? Then again, it's too soon to gauge now. Perhaps in your mummy's tummy, you can't really tell day from night or perhaps you are just confused by your own mummy cos she sleeps day and night at anytime of the day... *shake head* I shall start to make sure that your mummy does not confuse you in the weeks to come. ; )
We believe that we will be able to know if you are a boy boy or girl girl in a couple weeks time (not that it matters really). Everyone will like to know so that we know if we should be buying blue or pink clothes for our darling. : ) Darling, you must remember not to play hide-n-seek when the scanning is being done okie? Do not keep us in mystery okie?
Till then, we will be waiting for your next kick... ; )
We all believe that you kicked your mummy last night. She could not be sure if it was from you or was she dreaming cos it happened in the middle of the night. But both your daddy and Aunt Addy believe that it was you. It is so exciting. I can't wait for the day that I will be able to feel or see your kick on your mummy's tummy.
Your first kick happened in the middle of the night. Hmmm... does that mean that you are going to be a night owl like your Aunt Addy instead of your Sleeping Beauty mummy? Then again, it's too soon to gauge now. Perhaps in your mummy's tummy, you can't really tell day from night or perhaps you are just confused by your own mummy cos she sleeps day and night at anytime of the day... *shake head* I shall start to make sure that your mummy does not confuse you in the weeks to come. ; )
We believe that we will be able to know if you are a boy boy or girl girl in a couple weeks time (not that it matters really). Everyone will like to know so that we know if we should be buying blue or pink clothes for our darling. : ) Darling, you must remember not to play hide-n-seek when the scanning is being done okie? Do not keep us in mystery okie?
Till then, we will be waiting for your next kick... ; )
Thursday, January 25, 2007
Happy 3 Months in Mummy's Tummy
Congratulations, my dearie... You are 3 months old in your mummy's tummy as of today. : )
How time flies! In another 7 months or 28 weeks or 196 days, you will be joining us in this world. I hope you are looking forward to coming to this world as much as we are looking forward to having you entering our lives... : )
How time flies! In another 7 months or 28 weeks or 196 days, you will be joining us in this world. I hope you are looking forward to coming to this world as much as we are looking forward to having you entering our lives... : )
Monday, January 15, 2007
It is Quite Amazing!
My little dearie, you are 10 weeks and 4 days old as of today... and guess how big you are?
You are 34mm big!!! 34mm?!?! You are even smaller than my little finger!!! Quite amazing actually...
Your mummy went for your 2nd check-up with the gynae today. Your wonderful daddy accompanies your mummy to the check-up. How loving right? Heehee... Auntie Addy asked your mummy if the scan shows your hands, legs, head or anything at all? Her reply to me is 'yes, but don't ask me where is it cos' I can't tell either.' '''-.- What kind of mummy you have. Poor dearie... Luckily, you still have a brighter Auntie Addy and Uncle Terence... Hahaha...
Till the next entry... With love... : )
You are 34mm big!!! 34mm?!?! You are even smaller than my little finger!!! Quite amazing actually...
Your mummy went for your 2nd check-up with the gynae today. Your wonderful daddy accompanies your mummy to the check-up. How loving right? Heehee... Auntie Addy asked your mummy if the scan shows your hands, legs, head or anything at all? Her reply to me is 'yes, but don't ask me where is it cos' I can't tell either.' '''-.- What kind of mummy you have. Poor dearie... Luckily, you still have a brighter Auntie Addy and Uncle Terence... Hahaha...
Till the next entry... With love... : )
Friday, January 12, 2007
Your Many Uncles, Aunties & Cousins
Hmmm... By now, you are 10 weeks and 1 day old...
Do you know that you are going to be born into a very big family (immediate and extended included)? Your mummy has a lot of cousins which we have been very closed to since we are young. We practically grew up playing with each other regularly. We can be a really crazy bunch but you will come to learn that we are a close-knitted crazy bunch.
Your Auntie Diana just played a surprise visit to your mummy last Sunday. We went up to your house in the afternoon with lunch for your mummy cos' she so poor thing. She was at home alone, ironing the clothes. She did not know we were coming so she was cooking porridge for lunch... Haiz... In the end, Auntie Rancy finished up the lunch that we bought for your mummy and still managed to eat some curry puffs that were meant to be her lunch. She can really eat hah...
Auntie Addy is going to introduce you to your lovely cousins today... but before that, Auntie Addy shall introduce you to our families first (maternal side)...
Seow Family
- Grandpapa and Grandmama (your mummy's daddy and mummy)
- Daddy and Mummy (needs no further introduction)
- Auntie Addy (that's me... :))
- Uncle Terence and Auntie Rancy (your mummy's brother and girlfriend, hopefully wife soon...)
Tan Family
- Grand 4th Auntie (Grand 4th Uncle passed away 3 years ago but we still miss him.)
- Uncle Alan and Auntie Sylvia
- Uncle Eric and Auntie Ling
- Cousins Rae, Shayne and Jann
- Uncle Alvin and Auntie Cindy
- Uncle Derrick (which is also your mummy's godbrother)
Yang Family
- Grand 2nd Uncle and Auntie (Great Grandmama also passed away 3 years ago but we love her no less.)
- Uncle Don and Auntie Diana
- Cousin Darius
- Auntie Janet (which is also your mummy's godsister)
- Uncle Sherwyn and Auntie Nicole
- Auntie Doreen (hopefully she will be introducing her boyfriend to the families soon... :P)
- Auntie Eve
You see what a big families we have... There are actually more but I am just introducing to you the ones that we are closer to...
Now, lets talk a bit about your cousins.
Cousins Rae, Shayne and Jann are daughters of Uncle Eric and Auntie Ling. They are some of the sweetest and smartest little girls that I have seen. I hope that you can inherit Cousin Rae's intelligience and Cousin Shayne's cool attitude. I have not gotten a chance to see your Cousin Jann yet cos' she just came to join our families on January 4.
Cousin Darius is the son of Uncle Don and Auntie Diana. He is definitely one of the cutest little boy I have come across... I really, really hope you can be as smiley as him. Once he smiles, he can ask for anything he wants from us... I am quite sure it will be very tough for us to reject him...
With so many lovely people around you, you are going to be showered with love when you join us in August. I can't wait for that to happen and to show you the kind of love that your mummy and we cousins have been getting and will in turn give to you little boys and girls... You are going to enjoy your little journey with us... Auntie Addy is quite sure about that...
Do you know that you are going to be born into a very big family (immediate and extended included)? Your mummy has a lot of cousins which we have been very closed to since we are young. We practically grew up playing with each other regularly. We can be a really crazy bunch but you will come to learn that we are a close-knitted crazy bunch.
Your Auntie Diana just played a surprise visit to your mummy last Sunday. We went up to your house in the afternoon with lunch for your mummy cos' she so poor thing. She was at home alone, ironing the clothes. She did not know we were coming so she was cooking porridge for lunch... Haiz... In the end, Auntie Rancy finished up the lunch that we bought for your mummy and still managed to eat some curry puffs that were meant to be her lunch. She can really eat hah...
Auntie Addy is going to introduce you to your lovely cousins today... but before that, Auntie Addy shall introduce you to our families first (maternal side)...
Seow Family
- Grandpapa and Grandmama (your mummy's daddy and mummy)
- Daddy and Mummy (needs no further introduction)
- Auntie Addy (that's me... :))
- Uncle Terence and Auntie Rancy (your mummy's brother and girlfriend, hopefully wife soon...)
Tan Family
- Grand 4th Auntie (Grand 4th Uncle passed away 3 years ago but we still miss him.)
- Uncle Alan and Auntie Sylvia
- Uncle Eric and Auntie Ling
- Cousins Rae, Shayne and Jann
- Uncle Alvin and Auntie Cindy
- Uncle Derrick (which is also your mummy's godbrother)
Yang Family
- Grand 2nd Uncle and Auntie (Great Grandmama also passed away 3 years ago but we love her no less.)
- Uncle Don and Auntie Diana
- Cousin Darius
- Auntie Janet (which is also your mummy's godsister)
- Uncle Sherwyn and Auntie Nicole
- Auntie Doreen (hopefully she will be introducing her boyfriend to the families soon... :P)
- Auntie Eve
You see what a big families we have... There are actually more but I am just introducing to you the ones that we are closer to...
Now, lets talk a bit about your cousins.
Cousins Rae, Shayne and Jann are daughters of Uncle Eric and Auntie Ling. They are some of the sweetest and smartest little girls that I have seen. I hope that you can inherit Cousin Rae's intelligience and Cousin Shayne's cool attitude. I have not gotten a chance to see your Cousin Jann yet cos' she just came to join our families on January 4.
Cousin Darius is the son of Uncle Don and Auntie Diana. He is definitely one of the cutest little boy I have come across... I really, really hope you can be as smiley as him. Once he smiles, he can ask for anything he wants from us... I am quite sure it will be very tough for us to reject him...
With so many lovely people around you, you are going to be showered with love when you join us in August. I can't wait for that to happen and to show you the kind of love that your mummy and we cousins have been getting and will in turn give to you little boys and girls... You are going to enjoy your little journey with us... Auntie Addy is quite sure about that...
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