Something happened yesternight that leaves Aunt Addy very guilty. : (
Your Mummy was downstairs buying dinner and your Grandpapa and Grandmama went to see the chinse sin-seh for Grandmama's arm. It was just me and you at home alone. You were sleeping on your mattress and I was just reading the newspaper. You were lying on your side with your face away from me. Then you started fidgeting but I thought you were just fidgeting like how you always do so I leave you to continue fidgeting cos' the elders always said 'Leave the baby be. Don't spoil the baby by going to him just because he fidgets and cry a little'. Next I heard you making a noise so I still sat where I am and just called out your name, thinking that it will comfort you to know that there is someone around. Soon after, you cried... I went to you immediately and I got a shock to see droplets of milk all over your face. That is when I know you 'choked' on your cough. I carried you up in my arms immediately and you were still crying loudly. I can see that you were feeling very uncomfortable. A few times, you appeared to me like you are going to choke or you are having a sore throat which is making you feel really uncomfortable.
At that point of time, I was thinking if I should call your Mummy or Grandpapa and Grandmama. Should I bring you down to the doctor? I wanted to feed you some warm water to soothe your throat but I was worried that I might choke you. I admit that I was at a lost then. I can tell that you were still very sleepy. You were yawning non-stop but each time you yawn, you gave me an impression that you are feeling pain in your throat and you will start crying. At that point of time, your Mummy was back. She wanted to bring you to the doctor but the clinic was closed. You also calmed down and fell alseep. We decide to monitor you for the night and see how is it before bringing you to the doctor this morning. Pediatrician said that it is nothing major, probably just some phlegm in your throat.
What Aunt Addy felt really bad last night is that I did not notice your discomfort earlier and you have to go through all the 'choke' and 'pain' before. I'm so sorry, my dear. Aunt Addy will be more observant and attentive to you next time, okie? I'm sure someting like this will happen again but I will make sure that the chance of that happening is minimised.
Love you more each day... : )
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