Baby Jayden went for another check-up yesterday. This time round is a follow-up on the surgery of your intestine as well as to check your spine-nerves suspicion.
Some time ago, the doctor suspected that your spine is pressing on your legs' nerves and they were worried that it might affect your legs' movement in future. A second check-up was done and doctor thinks maybe you were fine afterall. Hmmm... but yesterday's check-up seems to deliver another not-so-good news... Based on doctor's experience and looking at your back, he feels that spine-nerves problem exists. If there is really such a problem, you will need to do an operation to rectify the problem.
An appointment had been scheduled for a scan next week which will determine the condition. You will be admitted into the hospital on next Monday afternoon and the scan will be carried out on Tuesday. Once we have the result, then the doctor will be able to see what to do next. We think it is good if we can discover the problem now if it really exists. At least, we can do the operation now when you are still young. You will no doubt feel uncomfortable but at least you won't know that you have gone through the ops.
Aunt Addy just hope that this is going to be another false alarm and you are fine afterall. It pains all that who love you to think that you might need to go through another ops. Aunt Diana had left you a message giving you her utmost support. As for all the rest in your family, we are always there for you regardless of anything.
Be it that you need to go through the ops or not, we know that you are a brave boy and you will do us proud on and again. Let us all pray that this will be a false alarm again and you are just seeking attention from us.
Remember 1 thing, darling:
Do not have doubt that we love you loads. There is no 1 day that we do not miss you when we are at work. The first thing we do when we reach home from work is to talk to our darling ziao ziao face, everything else can wait. For you, we will go all the way to make sure that whatever we do are to your comfort. We are not asking for anything in return except for you to be healthy, strong and brave. Do us proud, okie?
我们爱你到了极点。就算我们在工作的时候, 我们无时无刻都在想你。回家后的第一件事就是先抱抱你,和你聊天。其他的事都排在第二位。为了让你觉得舒服开心,就算是麻烦点,做多一点,我们也愿意。为你做这么多,我们没怨言也不要你回报。我们只要你健康,快乐,坚强,勇敢,那将会是我们最想得到的辛福。要让我们以你为荣,ok?
Luv from Daddy, Mummy, 爷爷, 奶奶, 外公, 外婆, 姨姨, 小舅舅, 'Khim-khim', 姑丈, 姑姑 & Bryan哥哥
Hi, hope baby Jayden will be fine, it's really painful to see a little baby going through surgery. My heart feels very sour when I read about it. Nevertheless I am sure he will be fine. He is bless with all the love from his families and god will be protecting him!
--> Noelle
Thank you for your kind words. Yeah... I'm sure he will be fine..
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