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Monday, April 7, 2008

Our CoverBoy Of The Month (Covers Courtesy of Jocale 姑姑)

Magazine of the Year - MODELING

Most Circulated Magazine in the Region - PLAYER

Most Respectable Magazine in the Industry - MODEL

We have had the honored to have an interview with the CoverBoy of the month in the midst of his very busy schedule, namely drink milk, sleep, play, whine...

R: Reporter, J: Jayden
R: First of all, we would like to congratulate you on your win for Coverboy of the month.
J: Bah..
R: You must be really excited with the win?
J: Bah bah...
R: So how has the win affected your life?
J: Dah dah... Blah blah blah...
R: How will you be celebrating this win? With your love ones?
J: BLAH!! *in a screaming tone*
R: Thank you for the interview, Jayden.
J: Herh herh herh...

As you can see below, Jayden seems very excited of his win. I bet he will be having a party of his life now...

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