You had started sleeping in your little white cot (from Aunt Addy) since last week. You seem to be adjusting pretty well to the new sleeping environment. Uncle Terence and Aunt Rancy were complaining that your Mummy was keeping all the toys that they / people bought for you so when last week Aunt Addy went to stay over at your place, I rummaged through the stack of your gifts to find the musical toy that can be fixed onto your cot. Finally, the musical toy is up and working. From the way you kept looking at the toy, I reckoned that you were either enjoying, fascinated or mesmerized by it. : )

Baby Jayden's Little Corner. You happened to be staring at the musical toy.

Musical Toy From Uncle Terence and Aunt Rancy

The Little Piglet I Bought For You : )
You started staying at Grandmama's place since Sunday night cos' your Mummy started working on Monday. The whole family changes our sleeping patterns just for you. You were good on certain nights and grouchy on some nights but for you we are willing to put up for it. That doesn't mean you can be a spoilt brat, okie? You have to cooperate too, okie? Your poor Grandmama and Uncle Terence are lacking of sleep because they sleep in the same room as you. I pity poor Grandmama most... I try not to talk bad about your Mummy to you but she made me so angry. I will tell you why when you grow up (If I can still remember then.) but for now, I am not going to speak to her until she realizes how not understanding she is.