I Am 1 Year Old...

Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

The Day We Discovered You

My darling little one (shall call you that till your daddy & mummy decide on a name for you),

Auntie Addy wants to create this blog for you... To write down how we have been feeling since we know you are coming to join our family.

Your daddy & mummy had their customary wedding on October 29 2006. On December 12, we have our little suspicion that you might be in mummy's tummy... Auntie Addy suggested to your mummy to do a test but your mummy was a bit hesitant cos' a month before that we had a false alarm. Nonetheless, I felt that your mummy should carry on with the test just to be sure. I told your mummy... at least if she does the test and it is a good news, she can be more careful from then on.

In the evening, your mummy bought a double test kit... I bet your mummy was very nervous then...

We wait and wait for news from your mummy...


We have a positive result!!! You have no idea how happy we all were but your mummy wanted to do a 2nd test with the double test kit to confirm the result... but in our hearts, we know that we are going to have you in our family in less than a year time. At this point of time, your mummy was so anxious to tell your daddy but your daddy was so busy on that day that he did not pick up your mummy's call... which makes your mummy so angry... Heehee...

The 2nd test showed positive result still... but a kit is still a kit. A trip to the doctor is inevitable to confirm once and for all... Your daddy and mummy were so anxious that they couldn't sleep that night. The next morning, mummy went to the doctor and the doctor confirmed the precious gift that is bestowed to our family.

Your daddy was so funny. He told us that he was very scared that your mummy will come out of the doctor's office and inform him that it was another false alarm... You have one cartoon daddy!

The doctor informed your mummy that you will be 7 weeks old on that week's friday. Wow... 7 weeks old!!! You had actually secretly came into our lifes 7 weeks ago...

We will be seeing you on July 27, 2007.

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