Heehee... First of all, my 姨姨 wants to apologize to those who had read Part 1 but was disappointed when they came here for Part 2 and found out that it was not up yet. For Part 1 of this post, you can go to my 姨姨's blog to check it out... http://thotsofaddy.blogspot.com
16 August 2008, Saturday
Mummy and myself were the 1st to reach Khim-Po's place. Heard them saying that they all couldn't wake up because they went out till very late the night before. I really wish I was there last night. I heard Mummy saying that we will definitely join them the next time round. :D
Anyway... soon after we reached, the rest started streaming in and it's noisy all over again. Darius GorGor poked poked me again... I don't know why but everytime they asked 'GorGor le?', I will poke poke myself on the cheek but that's what Darius GorGor likes to do to me mah...
After praying and lunchies, the adults started 'play mj, play mj'. *Hands swinging from left to right to left to right* While that was going on, the many 姨姨s were entertaining we 2 small boys all the time in *whispers* Nicole 姨姨's room... I like her room, maybe cos she is born in the year of pig like me... so got piggy smell... :P
Around 7 plus, they said they are going to bring us to Pasar Malam... I had no idea what was that but am still happy so long as I get to go 'Gai-Gai'... It turned out that Pasar Malam is a really fun place. There are so many people there selling things, got toys... got food, many food actually. 外婆, Mummy and 姨姨s bought so much food back to Khim Po's place. It's the first time I go to the Pasar Malam and I totally heart it and enjoyed myself. I am definitely going to go again. Mummy Mummy, can you bring me to the Pasar Malam again please?
Once we reached Khim Po's place, we were so noisy again. Eating, talking, laughing, making fun of each other... We were so high!!! Heehee...
Then Daddy and 爷爷 came for dinner and after that we went home... :(

17 August 2008, Sunday
姨姨 called Mummy and asked her if she wants to bring me over to Diana 姨姨's place so that we can all go for lunch at MacDonalds before going to 外婆's house. Mummy said okie cos she knows how much I enjoyed having lunch with all the 姨姨s and Darius GorGor.
But... but... but... when we reached Diana 姨姨's place, it turned out that we are going shopping at Bugis!!! Woohoo... No MacDonalds but I am not complaining since I will only be eating a little bit of french fries and burger bun at Mac. I rather go shopping... We waited, waited and waited somemore for all the 姨姨s to be ready. Then finally they said let's get out of the house.
We watched Barney in the car and once again, the car was filled with many very vocal ladies and since Darius GorGor and myself cannot ask them to stop, we joined them with our 'Eee-eee, Aaa-aaa'. Hahaha... The first thing that we did when we reached Bugis is to join 外婆 and 小舅舅 at the food court for lunch... I had some really nice miso soup with rice and Darius GorGor had chicken rice.
After we had filled our tummies, we adjourned for shopping!!! First stop, shoes shop. The many very vocal ladies went ga-ga in the shoes shop. First damage of the day was done by Nicole 姨姨. She was the first one to buy herself a pair of shoes. Then we walked over to BHG, formerly Seiyu. Over there, 外婆 and 姨姨 bought Darius GorGor and myself a Hammer & Nails and Thomas the Train toys. After that, Darius GorGor soaked himself in the mini arcade for a while with all the games.
By then, it was already evening but there weren't done yet. They went shopping for more shoes!!! You should have seen the way they tried the shoes. At one point of time, Mummy, 姨姨, Diana 姨姨 and Nicole 姨姨 almost buy the same pair of shoes in the same colour. They did not in the end cos they didn't have the right size. They spent at least 1 hour at the shoes department. Actually they spent that 1 whole hour in only 1 part of the shoes department, trying on many many pairs of shoes. It's incredible to see the way they shopped.
We were supposed to slowly make our way back home cos Nicole 姨姨 has an appointment at 8pm but they were diverted by the sunglass shop... Like the shoes shop, they were trying on pairs n pairs of sunglasses... Hahaha... Like what Doreen 姨姨 said, the shop-keeper must be happy to see us walking into the shop. Heehee...
After the sunglass shop, we were supposed to make our back home fast lest Nicole 姨姨 will be late but we 2 small boys got to change our diapers and have our milk. We are hungry, you know? When we came back from the changing room, they were happily sitting at the cafe having a cuppa. Haiz... the art of diversion, only they are capable of...
By then, I was really tired and took a nap... Zzzz... Nicole 姨姨 was so kind to send us home even though she was in a rush by the time we went home. Reached home, clean up and it's time for my new toys!!! Now you know why I love shopping with all the many very vocal ladies and my Darius GorGor... Heehee....