*Blushes* Handsome, right?
I am generally a very lazy boy... I do not like to be rushed into learning new things. I will take my own sweet time, if given a choice. I had been told by Zai-zai to be more aggressive in learning things.
Am going to tell you all what I have learnt for the last couple of months. Maybe I am considered slow by most people's standard but it's okie cos all the people who dotes on me still love me a lot. That doesn't mean I am spoilt, okie... cos my Yi-yi, 小舅舅 and Mummy will always scold me when I am naughty. : (
I have learnt...
1) to hold my own milk bottle and finish up the milk.
2) to turn 360 degrees on the bed.
3) to play with my toys and examine them.
4) to response to people who speaks to me, even to the uncles and aunties inside the television.
5) to self-amuse by laughing silly when toys or in fact anything that drops on the floor.
6) to sing myself to sleep when 外婆 forgets to sing lullaby to me.
See... I had learnt to do quite a number of things and Yi-yi is always very proud of me when I managed to accomplish new things.

In the comfort of my personal car seat

My Darius Gor-gor and Me

PIctures taken during CNY with various people