Baby Jayden Darling is coming to 5 months in a few days time. You have grown to be such a darling now, Love of our family. Just wanna record down what are the things that you love doing nowadays...
1) You are ever fascinated with moving objects, especially if they are in red, black or white.
2) You love listening to musics.
3) You are always ready to smile at us, even if it's in the early hours of the morning.
4) You will put your 2 little hands into your mouth at every chance. Then mess saliva all over your face.
5) Blowing saliva bubbles is your favorite too.
6) So is salivating for no reason.
7) You are not finishing up your milk at each feed. -_-
8) And you whine often (and always end up getting scolded by your Mummy and Yi-yi). :(

Is someone talking about me?

Baby Gap bought by 外婆