17 July 2007, Tuesday...
This was the date that I finally see you face-to-face.
We were going for a family dinner at Vienna in United Square. Before the dinner, we made a detour to the hospital to visit our dear little prince. We had been informed by your Mummy on Sunday that we can see you from outside your ward through the glass window. We were very excited as we have been waiting for this day for the longest time.
Your Mummy pushed you from your ward to beside the glass window so that we can see you clearly. She was carrying you and talking to you.. Can't hear what she said but I am sure she is introducing us to you. Poor Uncle Terence, Aunty Rancy and myself (Aunty Addy) were seeing you with the glass window separating us but we are already very contented to be able to see you this way.
We know you are anxious to see us like we are to see you.. There were quite a few times when we saw you wanting to open your eyes but I think there was some 'sticky eyes shit' that kept your eyes closed... Heehee... You were smiling a few times too... and I think you smile like your Daddy with one side of your mouth tilted.
You are one cute, little boy... As of yesterday, you are at 1.645kg... Well done, Baby Jayden. Remember the goal, okie? Let's work towards that...
P.S. Wanna let you know how much your Daddy and Mummy love you. They were informed by the nurse last night that you are only left with 1 bottle of breast milk which might not be enough for you to last through the night. Immediately, your Mummy tried to pump some breast milk at the hospital. After dinner, your Daddy sent us back and went home to pick up the already pumped out breast milk to send it to hospital for you. By then, it should be almost 11pm. For his little darling, he did it without complaints. When you grow up, this blog will serve as a reminder on the unconditional love that your Daddy and Mummy has showered upon you...